How do you decide which yoyo to bring to work?

I work from home most days but when I do go in it usually goes something like “Eeny, meeny, miny, Klondike.”


Is it scratched? Is it durable? Those are my two questions and that’s all I decide on. Only thing I don’t take with me are Bimetals.

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I keep a duncan pouch that will hold 4 to 5 throws. Typically it has a fixed axel, a modern responsive, a fh1 al. The 4 and 5th spot i swap up daily depending on my mood. If i have something new they generally claim those slots.


slimline in my pocket and a small collection that live at work lol

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I use J-Dye bags they are great I let the replay bang around in the bag the the others are in a neoprene J-Dye bags.

If going to meet with other yo-yo people to throw and show off some throws. I take a different set of well loved throws that look cool and still play well in a semi hard cases.


sweet! i’ll keep an eye out for those bags :slight_smile:

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Anything plastic so I can wipe it clean. I have a MYY crystal, A Cracked FH1 and a Butterfly.

I stunt on kids with the Butterfly, Throwing in some stalls and some loops make the oldskool tricks cool again. :sunglasses:


usually just a respawn for me or something else responsive. I like to do some thoughtless tossing while on hold


I usually pick a fav beater. Like an old Akita