How do you convice someone that yoyos aren't a stupid hobby?

Idk maybe op can show it to his parents and they’ll be thankful.


There was no helping OP to begin with. My mom still calls my yoyo hobby silly and I’m very much middle aged man with kids. Kids just gonna have to realize that’s life sometimes.

My dad though. If he was still around he would be rocking an old roadster right next to me. I keep one next to his urn to keep him company.


This is a nice topic, I have been in this situation thousand times to try explain people yoyos and let them understand the hobby.
Usually what I do if I see they are interested in the answer is explain them about the world competition, some different style and show them the brand and the yoyos, usually people love to see colours and shapes, I do a very quick lesson on shapes and show them very coloured ones or very minimal ones like (YYR) so they see different styles and tastes.
Than I show some 3a and 1a and explain them that there is a full world behind and also so many companies make good money out of it as a business (in case adults ask me, I show them a bit more the commercial side).

In case of your parents why do not explain why a bimetal is an improvement (usually) from a monometal and also explain why you need it. With my parents I always showed up why I needed something new over what I already had, I have been in the aggressive inline scene for years, rollerblades are so expensive (even around 400$ margin) but explaining them why I needed a model over a cheaper one there was a huge meaning behind, your parents are not stupid talk with them and explain them why instead of just ask.
Also I will start asking them 1 yoyos, bimetals can be expensive, so you do not need 2 start with one, pretty sure they will understand and accept for sure pushing a tiny tiny bit.
Also if your parents said that is a kids hobby, from the way you write probably you are a kid or around that age, so is the perfect hobby for you!

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My parents didn’t like any of my hobby’s. My Dad hates guns. They both didn’t like my knives. Magic? Forget about it. Fire making, dangerous, you’ll burn down something. Kites, now that was stupid. And I had good gear! Oh well now I’m old and do as I please. And the only hobby’s I don’t do now are the kites. Can’t find what I used to have so why bother. I didn’t throw Yo-yo’s until my 30’s.


I (40+ year old man) literally had a conversation with a 70+ uncle of mine. Where he was like " i get doing music or sports… but why play with a yoyo? Or seems so useless."

I told him its literally like most sports. It takes practise, coordination, effort and skill. He acknowledged all that and understood better after that.

It’s a weird discussion but at the end basically it’s just a hobby that i do for fun and relaxation and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of that.


Some people just don’t see the point of activities that are not “productive”. They are a distraction from “worthwhile” activities like study, work, etc.

My father owned a wooden sailboat when I was very young. That was the closest thing I can think of as a hobby of his, and it mostly involved applying new layers of varnish. Other than that, it was work or reading (generally non-fiction related to his work). Academically and professionally, he has accomplished a lot in his life. His work took him all over the world.

My mother has always had hobbies. Sewing, juggling, cycling, etc. Academically and professionally, she has also accomplished a lot in her life. Her hobbies took her all over the world.

How we motivate ourselves to achieve our best in life can be very different, and it can be hard to see from one perspective how another is also a valid path to a worthwhile goal.

Convincing a parent to set aside strong convictions about how their child spends their time is going to be difficult. I think the key is to try to understand the root of their concern. Are they concerned that yo-yos are a distraction from school? Do they feel that yo-yos offer fewer “life lessons” than more conventional extra-curricular activities like sports? Are they concerned that yo-yos will lead to social marginalization?

Whatever the case, I believe that there is an answer, or at least a compromise to be made. Yo-yo’s are relatively safe. They motivate learning and imagination. They can be the basis for social connection (or a refuge). If all else fails, time for yo-yos is an incentive to commit time to academics, work, whatever.

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yoyoing and juggling a lot increases the neural pathways between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, improving your brain’s strength. that doesn’t sound stupid to me.


This Ted Talk sums up the thread

Have your parents and friends watch this.


Any time I hear somebody say something about yo-yos being stupid, the first thing I think of(maybe I’m the only one) about another pastime(of sorts) that should completely knock yo-yos right out of the running for the Stupid Waste of Time Trophy.

And of what am I speaking?

It’s called Curling>

You get a heavy block of whatever it is and put a handle on it.

Thennnnnnnn, you find an Ice Skating Rink or frozen lake or Olympic Indoor Venue.

Thennnnnnnn, you get a friend and a special short bristled broom.

One guy pushes the Curling block across the ice, while the other guy, armed with broom, frantically sweeps in front of the block to minimize drag and get the block to travel the farthest(furthest, whatever).

Once you’ve sharpened your technique for hours a day, weeks a month, months a year…… for YEARS, you try to qualify against other couples that also escaped from the looney bin, and you All battle for an Olympic Medal.

And then, after you Win the Gold Medal and become World famous, you return home to your regular job. A worthwhile Career you forged for yourself from All the quality time you spent practicing.

You are now the Master of Ice and All that is Cold.

On your first days return to work, you happily greet your co-workers.

At the Coffee Shop where you work, you are in charge of making All the Iced Latte’s and anything else using coldness or ice cubes.

Just think of all the time you would have wasted, if you had taken up a Stupid hobby like yo-yos.

PS… I’d make this post painfully longer but I have to watch Shu Takada again on America’s Got Talent.

Some day I would love to be that Stupid.


I don’t ski,

But man, I feel you.


You don`t.

Just say that “you think it is stupid, that is fine, that is your opinion, but i am not sharing it”. And forget about it. It is incredibly hard for grown man to change opinions, so do not bother to do so, it will be waste of your time, better to find a quiet spot and practice some tricks with your yoyo instead.

Just wait until you will be able to buy yoyos all by yourself. Until then, join a group which do meetings, and ask to play with others yoyos.

If you really like to do tricks with yoyos, and not dropping cool and harmless hobby just because someone else is not liking it, you will overcome this situation.

Keep throwing. There is nothing stupid in it. I am 36 years old, and i like to buy and play with yoyos.


2 tips:

  1. be nice, and dont take it to seriously, the stronger you argue with someone about opinions of thiers the more resistance you are likely to meet

  2. assuming you are a teenager, i would suggest you compare money spent on yoyos vs video games, yoyos are
    ● cheaper than most new games
    ● last longer than the 20-40 hours of most games
    ● can be done outdoors
    ● improve motor skills
    ● don’t have violent or mature themes
    ● don’t require looking at a screen or sitting down for long periods


OP did any of this work?


they think it’s dumb because it’s not for them :saluting_face:


Ask your parents if they would feel better if you played video games all day instead of playing yo-yo. :wink:

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These days most likely would say yes, careers can be made a lot easier out of video games than many things.

Was about to say, we are at the point in time where people actually do make big bucks off the gaming industry in many different varieties. Yoyos…not so much :sweat_smile:

Tell your parents thanks for the input meth is cooler and you’ll just save your money for that. :man_facepalming:

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Why would I waste time trying to convince people of anything when I could be throwing sick whips and Splitting the Atom instead?


Responding to the OP.

Are you following this tread? I have seen others trying to assist ask “what current throws you have” “how do you current get things through your parents” and others trying to get a better understanding.

So my thought process has changed after reading this. So I have some questions of my own.

Have you given your parents a reason to think this is a flash in the pan? Is there a collection of previous purchases that no longer receive any attention?

This may end up being a life lesson for you. You may end up remembering this moment and decide what type of parent you will become. You can also tell your future child “No” and think of this time and be like “Oh, now I understand my parents”.