How do you convice someone that yoyos aren't a stupid hobby?

One million points from Gryffindor for making fun of Curling.

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I didn’t get into it till 24yrs old ,38 now and if you can’t play you just can’t relate and understand how fun it is,but again time/patience and skill , coordination is required and most just don’t have it…again spin tops and yos are fun as hell.probably cooler than the hobbies most have,but even I understand most think its childish, but again if they can’t play they won’t understand the cool flow of yoyoing .I’m a perfectionist and not being able to accomplish a trick makes me persistent to figure it out and it’s gratifying when you add it to your a big kid at heart I guess .


OP probably had their internet taken away for chatting with strangers…


I feel sorry for those who play pickleball lol,and some say they like swimming but if your standing in water at 300 lbs and not moving ,you shouldnt have swimming as your hobbies.

So true. It’s just something you gotta do for yourself and put in the time and effort.

Tbf, I didn’t realize his parent’s were the ones he needed to convince and tbh, I’ve seen this countless times on other threads on other sites. Usually people will try to tell them that they could by playing video games, doing illegal things, etc, or get a job to fund your own hobbies or wait and grow older. Honestly, this entire thread is par for the course, like, almost word for word, not shockingly, mechanical keyboards as a hobby made their appearance (on a yoyo forum of all places).

However, it usually ends up with the kid not being able to convince their parents that their hobby is fun and worthwhile. I’ve seen some threads end up where the child basically becomes resentful. And some just end up having to wait. Truth is, if your parents are funding your hobbies, they are the ones with the money and they are the ones that keep the cycle they learn from their parents. And if the parent’s don’t already see your current hobby as a good hobby, there’s almost no changing that. It could also be that the parent’s can’t afford it. And some are just straight up controlling narcissist and if that’s the case, good luck trying to do anything, much less throwing.

I wish OP well, but if if you’re a kid who’s already at the point they need to convince their parents, they’ve lost, but haven’t accepted it yet

PS, if they are a teen paying for their own hobby (with money from a job aka not their parent’s), but their parents are already throwing away or destroying their stuff, I guarantee you they are already looking to either emancipate or counting down the days until they are of legal, adult age to move out and probably already have several tabs open watching apartments.


Show them the news article linked in this thread.


A lot of valid, rational and worthwhile points have already been said.

If I may add… hobbies seem to choose us, we don’t choose them.
One persons yo-yo’ing is another persons soccer, or another persons skateboarding, or another persons (insert activity)…
I personally don’t have much interest in golf though I can understand why people enjoy it, however there isn’t anything anyone can do to “make me” enjoy golf, it doesn’t resonate with me and therefore it’s not really up to my choice.
We can’t make people enjoy something we enjoy if it doesn’t resonate with them naturally. And that’s ok, because we still love it.

If you are passionate about a hobby, for whatever reason that may be, that passion is a gift.
I have had several very successful and wealthy friends of mine say to me “I wish I cared about something in life as much as you cared about yo-yo’s”