How do so many people strip their yoyos?

Dude the YYF Nightmare has such a small axel. I still have mine and every time I take it apart I am so scared. Lol!

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There’s an old recommendation from another time and place that says once you get the threads started cleanly, use the palms of your hands to tighten the yoyo rather than grasping the halves with your fingers.


i fortunately never have stripped a yoyo, but i really only take them apart of i’m swapping bearings or changing the response. limiting my opportunities for failure likely works in my favor


The only yoyo i ever stripped was a yyf replay after (i assume) the axle bent from a bad hit to the concrete, when i tried to unscrew it, it was done for. When it actually came undone (i just kept unscrewing because it was already not playing after hitting the concrete) the axle was sitting at an angle in the yoyo and the threads on the other half weren’t so well.


I strip them all the time, I’ve had to replace a few. The one that comes to mind is the Magicyoyo V3.

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I’ve been trying this since I saw this post and it definitely took away the stress for me


A long time ago when I did not know better. I would on occation over tighten a few plastics throws and striped the threads. Thank goodness for the tightening marks like on the yyf Replay.
I had an aluminum throw with a short axil, soft grade aluminum that I dinged ( hit hard ) and one side hard of the threads broke off. I used plumbers thread tape ( old school stuff ). It stabilized the axil until I could replace the throw. It vibrated less than I thought it would, but it did vibe.

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