My 5 year old can handle power tools… But yeah under 18 ask for parental guidance or something.
I think my 13 year old brain can handle the power of… “PoWEr TOolS”
The shutter evo is the only yoyo I know of that it is ok to remove the rims
I’m just not gonna try and be held responsible for sending a 5 year old or 10 year old out to do something that could hurt them, then I get heat for suggesting it.
I was using power tools before I could ride a bike, so I get it, but at the same time, not everyone grows up the same. I know plenty of 13 year olds that don’t know how to use a drill unfortunately.
Most of my other fellow 13 yos only know how to function their pc
you could also use calipers to measure the recess of the rim fitting and 3d print a custom body for it.
Or just print new rims out of tpu might work too. Could prolly even pop some pla ones on there.
yeah but power wouldn’t even be close to the grasshopper gtx.
Yah i could prob print out a 3d printed model of a yoyo and “apply” the rims. The only thing is that I don’t completely know how to design a perfectly shaped yoyo :l
And that is where the journey begins.
Fire =