how is hspin pronounced?
is it h-s-p-i-n or h-spin or hs-pin or hiss-spin?
and werrd. is it weird or word?
if you can think of any others list them too.
how is hspin pronounced?
is it h-s-p-i-n or h-spin or hs-pin or hiss-spin?
and werrd. is it weird or word?
if you can think of any others list them too.
Hspin is pronounced H-spin and i’m pretty sure werrd is pronounced weird, or maybe it’s actually werd. But i’ve always wondered how dif-e-yo was pronounced…
yoyo fact-or-ie
H - Spin
care-ih-boo lodge
;D ;D ;D
Also… I say Werrd like Word
It made me feel really stupid for reading them phonetically.
h-spin just like it is written (h spin)
dif-e-yo the same (diff ee yo)
I pronounce werrd like word because that’s what english has taught me, and that’s how I spell word on occasion
Hahaha I think this is the perfect time for me to pitch my proposal that CLYW should be pronounced phonetically as “clue”. It’d save me so much speaking time! ;D
for no reason in perticular I’ve always called that “claw”. I do that in books with characters names. My mind makes a name for them if they’re names are like Puentfium.
Abbreviations such as CLYW, YYF, and YYJ are not meant to be pronounced as a word. You either say each individual letter or you say the full name.
It’s yoyos… I don’t think anyone really cares. I also saw clue in my head and sometimes speaking.
Thanks a lot. I obviously care enough to make this topic! >:(
I’m kidding. And I only say claw because it has a y which sometimes is a vowel so my mind is automatized to read things that look like words.(and automatize is real. Its a great werrd look it up)
CLYW has always been Clie to me
ive always just said Caribou Lodge and gone on with my life
Abbreviations such as CLYW, YYF, and YYJ are not meant to be pronounced as a word. You either say each individual letter or you say the full name.
ive always just said Caribou Lodge and gone on with my life
Sheesh. Way to be party poopers guys
I always pronounced YYF as Smegma. Not sure if thats right or not
Am I the only one who thinks genre should be pronounced gee near?
I concur
i always had a hard time pronouncing CLYW
i always had a hard time pronouncing CLYW
When i started out I didn’t even know clyw meant what it means. On the storefront it says clyw. But I created this topic to help beginners and, well myself on hspin and werrd.
Yoyorecreation = is it recreation? Or Re-creation?