Just to be clear: I think that regional pronounciations are fine. I don’t think Mickey is “mispronouncing” it, either. But if the question is, “for me, as a native English speaker, how do I pronounce ‘phenom’,” there’s only one answer: “fee-nom”.
Since the PHENOMizm is just “fee-nom” with the “izm” tacked on, I’m simply making a logical extension that it seems like it should be pronounced “fee-nom-ism”.
Let’s go to a different yoyo for a second… oh, I dunno… the Sleipnir? Nobody in this thread pronounces it exactly the way you would pronounce it in Old Norse, and not many of us pronounce it the way you would in a Scandinavian country. There’s probably a sizeable split between “Slape-near”, “Slype-near” and “Sleep-near” for that matter.
Now, YYR is a Japanese company, and I would be willing to bet that a great many people in the Japanese yoyo community, including YYR staff and players, would pronounce it differently yet again… the “SL” dipthong doesn’t work too well for Japanese speakers, and there tends to be extra sounds after hard consonants, just as in French. Suffice it to say, when speaking in Japanese or in English with a Japanese accent, those fine folks ARE pronouncing it correctly for their region!
So the question is: when we are NOT pronouncing it with a Japanese accent, are we mispronouncing it? After all, YYR named it… shouldn’t we pronounce it how they named it? Should we make sure we’re effecting a proper french accent when we say “La Goutte?” Do I need to roll my “R” for “El Ranchero,” or is it OK to pronounce it otherwise because it was named by a Canadian company?
I’ll tell you this much: I pronounce “karate” “ka-roddy” (more or less) because when I try to say “kara-TAY” (accent on last syllable) I feel like all kinds of a d-bag.
Back to Mickey: it’s worth noting that he pronounces it slightly differently from time to time, and that despite any proficiency (quite considerable!) he has with English, there’s still a detectable accent. Is he pronouncing it “correctly”? Sure! Is he pronouncing it correctly for a native English speaker? Debatable.
The most likely answer is probably not a definitive answer, either: in the YYJ offices and teams, there is not likely one agreed-upon pronunciation.
It’s just one of those words that probably doesn’t have a single proper and definitive pronunciation. Based on what I know of linguistics and the English language, I’mma go with “fee-nom-ism”. If you’d rather go with something else, I’m certainly not bothered.
My only point really was that of a logic pedant: appeal to authority is not a valid argument.
That’s all!