How are yoyo company names pronounced?

I generally just say recreation, but they are close enough that you could get one to pass as the other. And for vs. newton, do you say versus newton, or just verse newton?

I say rec-re-ay-shun.

what about SPYY? is it s-p-y-y or spy?

Therefore, by the transitive law, CLYW is officially allowed to be “clue” :smiley:

Thats why its confusing. Do I call spyy saturn precision or spy? (If I where them I would do spy because I mean how often do you get to calla company that and have it make a lil sense?)

May be wrong but I have heard many people just call it spy, others Saturn precision yo-yos

ya i always have said spy, but i heard some guy on youtube say s-p-y-y so i didnt know

I have a habit of saying HS pin, but its wrong.


CLYW: Clu-yuw
YYJ: Yyyyuj
YYF: Yyyyuf
Werrd: Word
SPYY: Speeyiyiyiiiii
Duncan: Doon-kahn
Crucial: Crew-shul
BBYY: Bubu-YI-YI!!!
ILYY: eel-yuhhh
YYR: Your
Rec Rev: Reese reeves
Hspin: aech spin
VSNYYC: Vis nye yik

And for fun, the ILLY E1NS, is the: ee- one-nes


Singular Plural
Goose Geese
Moose Meese? No

As far as SPYY goes I call it Spy or Saturn Precision, as for CLYW I call it a Canuck Chuck or Caribou Lodge, simple as that, why was this thread started again? :stuck_out_tongue:

That was a very solid argument

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no ones answered about vs newton yet…

Looks like you did to me :stuck_out_tongue:

read the topic. duh

…wow… I had no idea -.-
It is called sarcasm, learn it?

no i thought you were being whiny like " why would someone start this?"

I refuse to buy into that argument. I’m American! I want my speech to be as simple, monosyllabic, and mindless as possible!

Canuck Chuck - 3 syllables and kind of awkward to say smoothly
Caribou Lodge - 4 syllables and even more awkward to say
“Clue” - well, it speaks for itself. It’s totally airtight. 8)

We’re in the United States, we speak Amurcan

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two camels in a tiny car!!!