Hopefully we can all relate to this


This just happened to me the other day. Got a nice lump on the side of my head now.


Yes…yes I can.

This was me 4 weeks ago. Left a nice scar. I’d just gotten that throw the previous day and it bit me already.


That was deep enough for a couple of stiches.


Pretty much…we ended up sticking it together with butterfly bandages instead though. I don’t mind the scar and couldn’t be arsed to go to the doc to get it stitched up/glued up. But yeah…my mom (who was present at the time) was like…“maybe you should go see a doctor?”


aw dude all of those sound terrible haha hopefully my reflexes will continue to save me

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If not in the face in the hands, every single day.

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And the elbow. Don’t forget the elbow :scream:

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Ow boy, that’s the worst, nimble yoyo: numb arms.

My brain reflexively said, “wait a sec” on those binds.

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haha yeah that’s exactly what happens to me, my brain hits the abort button as soon as it feels that throw going wrong

Had some close call on personal injuries (just jinxed myself) but mostly minor structural damage.

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Ugh I can feel the pain lol. I’ve given myself a few good black eyes. Seems to only happen when I’m showing someone some tricks and rushing things too much as I tend to do when I get nervous in front of people. End up getting a snag and just clock myself in the face like a fool XD lol

Related Funny(and…painfull) story:
On my first day of senior year in high school I was yoyoing with my friend, before school, who I was teaching to yoyo. And he was all excited that he was starting to get the hang of things and was getting pretty good at vertical eli hops so he was practicing doing horizontal ones trying to get the yoyo to shoot out/forward instead of up. And he had a particular fascination with trying to get the yoyo to pop foreward as close as possible to people near him…in the face… Long story short…I ended up getting a black eye that day. Not a great way to start senior year LMAO! But looking back all I can do is laugh at it. He was genuinely a great friend with good intentions and didnt mean to clock me in the face with a heavy solid metal yoyo lol(even worse it was my own yoyo taking revenge on me since I had let him borrow some of my metal ones to get comfortable with until he was ready to upgrade from his plastic yyj Kickside) lol. It hurt so bad and was pretty embarrassing but in the end it was just nice having an apprentice I could teach and share my passion for yoyoing with since we were like the only ones that yoyoed at my high school. Ever since then I always make sure thay I’m far enuf away where theres no chance of catching a stray chunk of metal to the face. Hahaha some good…yet…painful memories XD