Hook and brent stole with YYE poly

I think I have to whip a little bit harder to do it with something like my old YYN highlights compared to something like YYSL type X but it’s definitely not a shoulder dislocating level of harder. I’m not a tech savvy person or I’d happily shoot myself doing it with a slower cheaper string. I’ve been doing it for long enough that I don’t really know what I do differently regardless of what kind of string I’m using. If I switch yoyos or strings and miss something once or twice I generally just automatically adjust and do it right from then on. Maybe in the case of lighter/slower string and Brent Stoles that means I pop the yoyo higher so the string has longer to wrap around my finger and under where the yoyo will land? I really have no idea.

Type X which is my favorite string still pales in comparison to something like Dragon string for stuff like this though. Just look at the Dragon and it’ll land in a Brent Stole. The string tension will be terrible after 10 throws but it sure does whip fast and smooth.

I’ve tried using other strings many a time(new gstring, kitty string, etc.). I always go back to yellow 100% poly. I have noticed other colors of poly aren’t as good with whipping and tension(pretty much every kind but yellow). But even the fancier string types seem to be harder to find the tension “sweet spot”. They may stay in that “sweet spot” a bit longer, but once you’re out they twist on themselves something fierce. Yellow poly behave more…consistently.

So I think yellow poly’s are great. I can land triple brent stoles with them. They may be a bit less whippy than other strings, but pound for pound I’d say they’re the best. As long as you’re not playing in a very windy area, they should be just fine. Its all in your technique.

If you want, I could provide the Slo-mo.
Anyone want that?

That would be great! Thanks!

It should be up by tonight!

Awesome thanks! What string was that?

YYE Poly :slight_smile:
the only one I have left xD
Its almost 2 years old :slight_smile:

I use yye poly and land them rather consistently.

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Yeah, that doesn’t look like it will hurt my arm at all! Need to film myself (other than that top-down) and see what I’m doing differently. I can tell already that I don’t “follow through” as much as you, but it’ll be interesting to see if I can grab a different “trajectory” as well.

Thanks so much for posting that!!!

I use YYE poly and land 2.0 hook consistently :slight_smile:

No problem man! :slight_smile:


Good stuff Noonar! That looks a little more hurty for my fragile old man shoulders. :wink: But performed smoothly, that’s for sure.

Thanks! I whipped that whole video together in 25 minutes :slight_smile:

Ooooooooh cool i wish i could do that!

Ok got kris to film me using her Ipad.  So the first one is the easyest, the second where I use my non throw hand pointer finger as a pully, is about the same effort.  The last one is your traditional one, with the strait pull.  It is also easy and smooth my shoulder hardly has anything to do with it.  I suggest learning with the non throwhand as a pully just because I think it looks best.  Or off the swing because its easier to put into use that way.
Its on instagram so you have to click the link because I can’t figure out how to get it to just post here. 

Good lord that’s smooth, Schnayke.

After seeing Wilson’s video, I busted out the YYE poly and got to practicing.

I’m failing miserably, and it’s disheartening. :wink: Every time I try to be smooth and easy, the string hangs in the air and doesn’t go around. But seeing the smoothness before my very eyes makes me know that I can get there some day, and that’s a good thing. I’ll keep working at it.

I can Brent Stole with any string consistently, but is there anything i can do to get a bigger GT?

Harder whip and pinch closer to your throwhand