Hook and brent stole with YYE poly

Really? :o
Well, the string that whips around, goes around the strig coming from your Nth Finger, goes onto the yoyo. that’s about it. :slight_smile:

I mean I get that but my mind just cant picture it xD and like… where does the twist come from… when I do it I think “whip and move NTH forward… ohh look, magic GT with a twist…”

What about regular kitty? Better or worse?

Regular kitty is a bit better, IMO. I still need a determined whip, but it’s better.

Tangentially related: I forgot I had uploaded this once upon a time! Not quite slo-mo enough to see exactly what’s going on with the Brent Stole, but maybe interesting to someone somewhere:

String used was an Epic Strings nylon prototype of some variety. Thin but whippy.

After I got the motion down I could do it with any string, including Mighty Flea string.

It’s all about preference. Try different strings until you find the right one.

I like regular 100% Polyester. I can do all my whips on it.

Yeah, I’ve been doing it with bulk poly for years. It’s about your technique.

I like YYE thick cotton string for Brent Stoles.

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Awesome beard dude! ^^^ 8)

yeah, I have been growing the beard longer than I’ve been throwing. Sure is looking gray, though. :wink:

I do them in one smooth not hard or jerky motion. I have a totally screwed up shoulder and it doesn’t bother it at all.
Not saying I always did them that way. Over time I got better and they became more smooth.
I hate dealing with the heavier string when doing whips. They over whip and I end up with several wraps. You defently don’t have to move the string fast with heavy string, but I don’t feel you need to move your hand in a way that will hurt it with light string.
I guess what I am saying is you don’t have to whip hard or fast to get a good one you just have to work it out over time.

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If someone can tell me what the technique is instead of just saying “it’s your technique”, I’m all ears. I’ve tried many times to do it smooth and fluid. The loop just doesn’t get around.

I’m not saying anything other than “OK, it’s my technique. But I don’t know any other way.”

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I’ll tell you my secret. I use my TH and do a side-arm throw. I suppose you’re familiar with baseball Greg? I used to be a pitcher and I pitched side-arm. That’s the motion I make and the string flips over perfect every time.

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I FEEL like that’s what I already do, but I’ll redouble my focus.

Schnayke is 100% correct.

You don’t have to whip hard, or really fast, or hurt yourself; even with lighter string. It is in your technique. I can’t really explain it beyond that; and, for that, I do apologize. The best that I can do is to say that it is just subtleties that are picked up from practice and experience, and learning how to utilize the movement of your string more efficiently.

It’s a fact of physics that a lighter string will require more momentum, though. :wink: Give a baseball pitcher a ping-pong ball and it’s not going to hit 100mph and it will probably not go over the plate.

Would genuinely love to see a slow mo of you guys with really light strings (YYE poly would be fine) easing into a Brent Stole.


I won’t be the one to provide you with that. Sorry.

But, I think you will see what we are talking about in time.

I sense a bit of being “put off”, but I really didn’t mean any offense! I just don’t “get it”, and I’ve been doing Brent Stoles a decent amount of time. The light touch with my current technique doesn’t get the string where it needs to go, and even the minimum successful effort I put in hurts my shoulders.

I need to SEE what somebody else is doing differently from me to appreciate what I’m doing wrong. These are the times that a yoyo club would be awesome so that someone could show me. :wink: Alas, I don’t have ready access to a club (closest one is in Montreal!) so a video is the only way I can see it in action.

No offense.

Just don’t hurt yourself, Greg. That’s all I really want to say.

Take care.