Hobbies other than yoyoing?

Flying (when I can afford to)
Scuba diving
Tarantula keeping
Japanese incense
Target shooting, handloading

Cross-country skiing
Battling my clarinet

Gaming, Music and I recently took up editing pictures of my friends onto famous peoples’ faces.

hey cool, I photo edit some too! If you’re ever in need of a free editor similar to photoshop then you should check out pixlr.com.

play bass

been gaming a little more since leaving the last band I was in

and… i play darts often


Music (bass guitar, write songs & record…listening too)
Cubing…a little
Gaming (mainly PS3)
Leather Craft
My house is a hobby…always something to do.

really? what sort of songs do you write?

I write mostly some classical stuff for small groups, and I also write for my band, who plays a fusion of rock/jazz/world.

Martial Arts, playing guitar (not as much as I used to), writing, hiking with my dog.

Sounds good…

LEGO’s, swimming, um…

I can’t think of anything more. Maybe I’ll post again when I think of more hobbies.

Taekwondo, tennis, call of duty.

Baseball, tennis, ping pong, Xbox 360.

y frowny cyclops?

Disc golf. End of story

I built a robot that played that it was pretty sweet. Go FIRST. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha I do FRC too what team are you on?

BERT 133 what team you on?

On top of what team your on, what regional do you go to? We go to Manchester and Pine Tree.

Um, yeah, I got killed one short of a nuke in call of duty while being roundhouse kicked in the face while getting aced in a tennis match… Still landed that tough combo though…
It was a typo :slight_smile:

I’m on 4030 in Seattle so thus year we went to Seattle and Spokane but next year Washington is probably going to districts


Linux, you know installing writing reviews, reading about just Linux desktop os’s

Sim Racing, Like Game stock car or simbin titles. Also some of the codemasters racing games like f1 2012 or Dirt 3. I also play Gran turismo 5. I currently own a thrustmaster f430 wheel and pedal set, and a logitech formula force gp wheel and pedal set.