High-end plastic collection

High-end hybrids:


Beautiful. Can you give me a rundown of what each one is?

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Very interesting collection. I’ve actually never tried a high end plastic before since they started coming up when I was taking a break from yoyoing and never ended up getting one.

What are your thoughts?

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I’d say they range from excellent monometal performance to near-bimetal performance. The two I am most impressed with are the Gamma Crash and the Surveil, but the others are no slouches either.

1st row (L-to-R): Gamma Crash, POM Draupnir, V TiNG
2nd row (L-to-R): Refraction, iCEBERG
3rd row (L-to-R): Gamma Crash, iPPON, Surveil


Refraction vs Iceberg? POM Draup vs Gamma Crash?


I love delrins. Nice collection you got here :heart_eyes:

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