so I am a beginner starting to learn to play with unresponsive yoyo (see the other post in the general forum).
I find that I am having no problem with the front style bind and I am starting to be OK at getting my yoyo on a trapeze.
The problem is that from the trapeze the only way I can consistently bind is by getting off the trapeze turning 90 degrees to the right and doing a front style bind (undermount then bind).
I keep trying to go from the trapeze to the undermount trapeze but it always ends up in a mess of spinning yoyo, either the yoyo doesn’t get in the mount (more accurately the yoyoer doesn’t guide correctly the yoyo, I am pretty sure the piece of meat holding the string is at fault) or it gets in the mount and start binding before I sort myself out and I can’t catch it.
Any advice on how to best go into this mount. Most video I find basically go like this:
easy bind, just turn around and bind like for a front throw
go on the undermount (not much explanation there), then do your bind (lots of detail on string pinching or crossing which seems to be the easy part there)
I am afraid that a lot of the how to bind videos are done by people who are so well practice that they are not really clear about what could be hard or easy for a beginner.
Something you could try is to get in the “easy bind mount” and then turn back to your initial position, then dismount your reverse trapeze and go into a regular trapeze, eventually you will get the motion and the feeling down and all that’s left is doing that in reverse(trapeze to reverse trapeze).
But I recomend trying to nail something else, like…something that hepls with accuracy, like barrel rolls(atomic bomb), split the atom, double or nothing, etc.
And practice, practice, practice…Eventualy you’ll get it 10/10 times, also, what yoyo are you using?
Mmm, I can see the yoyo is a bit too far away from your non-throwhand, as it is easier to catch a trapeze closer to your hand than one far away, same rules apply for the reverse one, try getting the yoyo closer to your freehand.
It all helped. I now catch it from time to time maybe every other time. I also find that one of my problems is throwing the yoyo straight when throwing a breakaway. It is usually tilted a bit toward me. If I land the trapeze I will straighten the Yoyo first before going for the reverse.