
Simple. Confused on Binding.
I’m trying to learn that backwards trapeze way. And it just looks like a trapeze. What’s so different about it? I tried it myself, I checked that I was dong it right. And it spins the same way a normal trapeze does… Can someone make me a video, showing me slower steps??? ???

I’m really bad at describing things but I’m going to try to help you.

When you do a bind sometimes it will work easier than others, depending on the direction the yoyo is spinning and which direction you’re approaching the bind (as in from which direction you throw the loop of string into the gap)

You might be wondering "What does he mean by; “The direction you throw the loop of string into the gap” ".

For instance, when bind the yoyo, if you drop the loop into the gap AGAINST the spin.  As in, going against the direction the yoyo is spinning, it’s going to bind much easier than if you were to bind INTO the spin.

Here’s an example.  If you throw breakaway style, and land in a trapeze.  On a completely unresponsive yoyo, when you try to bind from that trapeze; it will be kind of difficult.  But if you throw a breakaway and bind from a reverse trapeze it is much easier.

You may be scratching your head, still confused.  So click this link so we can refer to some pictures;

If you’re mounted like in Step 7 of the Man on the Flying Trapeze and you throw the string into the Gap it might do absolutely nothing.  Depending on how responsive the yoyo is, it may bind, but probably not considering you’re throwing the string INTO the spin.

If you’re mounted like in Step 8 of Reverse Trapeze and you throw the string into the Gap it will more than likely bind because the string is being thrown in from the other side of the yoyo, aka AGAINST the spin.

I hope this helps, I hope this is what you were asking about.  haha.  If not, sorry!

Errmmm… I’m still confused on how to get into a reverse Trapeze though…

The link I posted has a very nice step by step with pictures.  If not, just try googling/youtubing “Yoyo reverse trapeze”.

Also, youtube lots of videos about binding!!  Learning the basics, you’ll have lots of questions.  The best thing you can do is submerge yourself with learning videos.  Keep watching different binding videos, you’ll catch on very quickly! :smiley:

Here’s another video.  Towards the end he does a “reverse trapeze”.  But regardless, this video isn’t too shabby.

A reverse trapeze is essentially an under mount. Instead of going from under neath, over your finger onto the string, go over your string and hit the bottom of the string, then make a similar motion to getting into a 1.5 mount.