Help with sharp and horizon ultra yoyos

My Recrev sharp is still responsive after switching bearings and after using silicon response.

My horizon ultra is making a weird noise. It sounds like the bearing seat is too tight on the bearing maybe?

Please help!

Here’s some of my few suggestions regarding on your bearing problem:

For Recrev

  1. Clean your bearing with a lighter fluid (Best options are Ronsonol or Zippo) and put it on a secured jar. Shake it for 15-20 secs and remove the bearing from the jar to dry.

  2. Use a tweezer or a pencil to spin dry the bearing or just put it on the tissue to absorb the moisture.

  3. Install the bearing onto the yoyo and try to throw a long slepper and tug the yoyo see if it fixed the responsive issue. If its not coming back to your hand then its now unresponsive.

For Horizon:

  1. Clean every crevice of the bearing seat with a Q-tip and pour a little bit amount of lighter fluid.

  2. Once everything is dry, apply some small drop of valve oil (thin lube might work) inbetween the bearing seat.

For reference, here’s the demo video from yjyoyo.

  1. Clean the bearing (same method from the recrev) and apply a pin drop of thin lube inbetween the inner race of the bearing.

  2. Put the bearing onto the yoyo and do some few gyroscopic flops to spread out the thin lube evenly and your bearing should spin quietly.

This is just my two cents but hope it helps.

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Also additional note: To help minimize the responsive issue, use normal type string in order to reduce friction from the response pads. I’m not sure if the Recrev sharp has a narrower gap width since theres no existing specs on the internet (as of now) but using a normal string helps a lot in addition to cleaning your bearing.

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That seemed to work. I just switched the bearing for the horizon ultra and switched the bearing and string for sharp. Thanks

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