Help Joseph win a $500 scholarship by VOTING!

I voted! I really hope you win Joe!


i voted oh wait i already said that oops my bad

13 votes :smiley:

EDIT: Come on guys! He’s 8th!

7th… :smiley:

I voted! BTW Joseph, did you throw a Sunset Trajectory to David Hasselhoff? Anyways, good luck!

He’s not 8th, He’s number 8. If you look at 7 and 9, They both have more votes than him (Over 1000 :().

Let’s not give up hope! We can still make him win!

Voted for ya! Good luck bro!!!

voted 11 times. :slight_smile:

Happy Throwing! =]

It says I voted the maximun number of times…

I voted Again.

Voting is over now, but he’s up to 6th place! Yay!