found this cheap on a local buy/sell site, Thinking it could be an OG freehand or freehand zero?
looking pretty faded but aparently spins smooth
Certainly looks like it could be a freehand. What do the guts look like?
got no other pictures yet, the auction closes soonish so il post more pictures when i get it
@unklesteve may know if duncan ever did any branded fh’s or fh zero’s.
you talking about the thing on the yoyo caps or the red cord? the red cord is probably a yoyo holder that can strap to a belt. The thing on the caps is giving me the heebee-jeebees, looks like 2 yeti’s doing a sack race. I bet that thing has wicked vibe.
lol naw i mean the yoyo under the spooky looking yeti things. got no info but the photo as being sold by a non yoyo person
Hiya !
RE: Photo #1 - I dont have a lotta helpful info for ya…Buuutt…if you really, really wanted to find out exactly what kinda yoyo it is…you might wanna contact the company’s whos name is on the side.
…as the yoyo itself was a promo thing for Tip Top Ice Creameries.
RE: Photo # 2 - True it was a yoyo …in its former life. Not sure you really want that thing now…on close inspection of the photo with a magnifying glass…its been converted to jewelry. More specifically…a key chain (and an ugly one at that) as noted by the other key chains around it The side cap has been removed and those yeti thing have been glued into the yoyo. Who knows what condition the other isde is. The yoyo itself looks to be really small, probably a pocket yoyo. That alien key chain is probably only 1 1/2 in tall.
Ummmm…well…I thinks thats all I can figure out.
Good Luck.
Ahhhh…that must be the other side? Well that info explains what it is and all that. Heres some more info on this posting:
Something about it being from the 1990s and $9.92 EUR.
**** Wait…Stop…Hold The Press ! ****
The above note was written before I found this:
Sooo…if you’re lookin to pick up a vintage cheapy throw…not in key chain form…Bam !
Hope that helps.
what the heckington, more of a freehand shape but trans axel with starburst and the caps are screwed in
We did not. Also that cap looks flat, the FH caps are domed.
yeah dont think its a freehand but do you think its duncan or no
Definitely not a Duncan. This is not manufactured by any existing “yoyo brand”, likely just sourced from a random factory in China and re-branded.
If it’s neat to play with doesn’t really matter what it is. I imagine it’s light and mildly cheap feeling.