Help dr yoyo.

vote :wink:

Voted. :wink:

If I win any money, it will go to pay for more review yoyos and online yoyo contests (and cover the cost of bandwidth. Just hit 115000 page views last month)

Voted! Three times!


Voted! :smiley: 2 times!

Voted 2 times. :slight_smile:

Happy Throwing! =]

Voted! :smiley:

or you could give some to me…lol jk

lol no he’s going to give it to me. :wink:

Actually, I think hes going to pay for more review yoyos and online yoyo contests (and cover the cost of bandwidth.

keep on voting, He is already up to 27th

Voted again!

up to 10th, go Dr. yoyo

Oh and, btw, You as a voter can win also…

I voted! Best of luck to you!

Voted again! :smiley: