Have you ever used glue on a string near the axle loop to hold it tight?

I sometimes kinda often have problems with some of my favorite soft nylon strings getting a little loose around the axle loop even when tension is good/neutral. This is usually not an a huge issue, but on some binds, the string will twist under the loop and knot up. I was thinking that maybe tying a tiny couple of strands of nylon or poly around where the end of the loop opening is might help keep string out of there. Then I saw some fabric glue on the counter so I tried it. It seems fine so far. Only had time to throw it for a few minutes this morning before work, but I didn’t notice any ill effects. Will see over the weekend if it actually helps (and actually holds).


Oh no. A lot of things can go wrong with this method.
Maybe try different brand strings? I never have this kind of issue. Try popular strings like Kitty and see if this fixes the issue.
If if I were you and I just have to do this, I’d sew some thread once or twice. But still, this is more like patching a problem instead of solving it.

Edit: I just reread the thread and realize you are trying a specific brand of string. If you got it custom made, maybe ask them to tighten the twist a bit more.

It’s NBD. I’m just trying to solve a specific problem on a specific (new) string. Kind of for fun, curiosity mostly, but if it works, it would make throwing a little more fun since I won’t have to stop to pick knots as often.

Update: The glue did not have any effect, negative or positive…and it didn’t hold for even a few throws.

Next I tried tying a tight knot with a strand of a poly string around the top of the axle loop. That also did not hold for more than a few throws. I might need to read some more about knots to find one that won’t slip because I need to trim the ends down to almost nothing so the response isn’t affected.

This seems like a very uncommon issue. I’ve had issues like this before but only on very particular string configurations or when I was binding on string that had tensioned up wayyyyy too tight.

Having the loop a little loose on the end of the string is actually a good thing. It lessens the degree of snagging when you’re playing tech, although I’m not sure about your level of skill at the moment.

I’d say if the knotting under the loop issue persists even with the more popular bulk string, it’s much more likely to be a skill issue or a string tension issue. I’d say give a go at strings like kitty, OT, Sochi or C3 pro string to see if the issue was in your string.

Thanks, yeah, this is mainly an issue with pure nylon. It doesn’t really happen with poly unless, like you say, the torsion is too high. [skill level: still working through advanced part 2 of the YYE trick list].

I have used spoolthreadco and airetic nylon for the last 4 years and it sounds like you are having a string tension issue but by no means do you need to artificially tighten the loop around the bearing. There are tricks to adjust string tension during play and I’m sure once you nail those down you will not have any problems in the future. Nylon has more bounce and is slicker than polyester so it takes longer to break in but you will get there

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