Beeswax on string loop

Anyone else try this? I always have issues with the loop loosening or sliding around my finger while I’m playing. I do leatherwork and have beeswax around for that and found that rubbing some on the loop and on the string near the loop helps a lot. Does anyone else have issues with the string loop slipping or have other methods for alleviating that problem?


Hey! My wife does leatherwork as well! Cool to see someone else in the yoyo community does that as well.

Do you use straight beeswax or maybe Smith’s leather balm? Never thought to use that, but I might try that out sometime! :slight_smile: Also, I know Zipline strings has the LoopStick product for this purpose. I’ve never tried it, but that would be something else to try.

I use straight beeswax. I didn’t know Zipline made a product like that, cool! I imagine it works pretty similarly, makes the loop sticky haha.


Thanks for this post. I’ve been wondering if anyone else had that problem. I have to pull the loop as tight as I can stand and it still comes loose. I don’t understand how so many good throwers can keep the loop on the middle phlananx. Every time I try that it feels like the yoyo is just going to fall off.


I always just do a double slipknot and it works great.


That’s where I put my string haha maybe that’s part of the problem. When I started I feel like most people were attaching the string to their finger there but since I’ve been watching new yoyo videos I see a lot of people having the string all the way back maybe I’ll try it out.

I’m gonna try that too!

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like this?
Double slip knot video



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That double slipknot works so well! Thanks for sharing, no need to rub my strings down with wax anymore.


Finch Head is another similar one that I use. You just make the slip knot and then use the loop created to make another slip knot.

Method Two in this video:

Instead of pushing the knot up, I twist my finger back and forth while pulling the string. To loosen, I grab the knot and twist my finger.

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I have been having issues with this also, I will be trying the new knots and minding someones Bees Wax too. Thank you for putting this out on the forum.


^Nice Pun!

I just made a Zipline order, and I would have gotten some if it hadn’t been sold out. I says it’s “rosin”. I play bass and the rosin for it is soft and tacky. I might have to try that!

How does the bees wax make the string / finger loop feel? I have not gotten any yet but I am thinking it’d be like Chapstick which in my imagination would be kinda icky.

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Doesn’t feel gross at all to me, just feels like waxed thread.


For the few strings I find the slipknot does not stay tight causing it to move around my finger I just rub a little bees wax on the string where the slipknot tightens. None of the wax gets into the finger loop and I have never felt the wax on my skin.