GRYC Weekly contest #3. Last weeks winner - Modman10!

I’m coming for you, don’t worry…

How did the hipster burn his mouth? He sipped his coffee, before it was cool.

or why did the hipster burn his mouth? because he ate his pizza before it was too cool

spin off…haha see what i did there spin-yoyo- they spin play on words :slight_smile:

A duck waddles into a Irish pub and says, " Hey, Got any Grapes?"

but in all seriousness, Jake’s strings rock. You all should try and win a pack.

Exactly why I consider that a foolish joke.

On a off note, are you going to the NH club meet on December 8th?

My joke got deleted. Wats.

Good one.

I was going to post a link to a thread, but it would probably be frowned upon to bash other people.

Why did the chicken cross the road? I don’t know, but the spatter was pretty big-

Why’d the monkey fall out of the tree? It was dead. Whyd the second monkey fall out of the tree? It was stapled to the first one. Why’d the third monkey fall out of the tree? Peer pressure.

A Yomega spokesperson got hit in the face. “Ooch!” he exclaimed!

Get it? Huh? huh?


Tomorrow is the last day for this week… Post more!

More than one?

I like this second one the best

Seriously, powercord (t)s are amazing.


But bigyoyostring owns them all.

We’re both quality string makers that make different kinds of string that cater to different kinds of people :slight_smile:

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