What happened to it?! I wanted one, but they are never in stock. are they discontinued?
they are discontinued, nobody bought them, so they stopped making them.
that is sad
You can still get them in B/S/Ts,I almost got one for $50,but then DNas came out…
50$, thats a steel! dude that is cheep! you should have got it! I want one so bad! :-[
I never got it…
I think he knows that…

gm user:james:
50$, thats a steel! dude that is cheep! you should have got it! I want one so bad! :-[
I never got it…
I think he knows that…
Sorry,didnt see that,I think he still has it for sale(dont truse me until I check tho).
Anyway,the deal didnt work out because of payment methods.
EDIT:gone,sorry,but you can still get others.
where did you see the gm 2?
Probably here.
Nope. It was probably on YYN BST.

Nope. It was probably on YYN BST.
Yes on YYN,it was a lont time ago
Nope. It was probably on YYN BST.
Yes on YYN,it was a lont time ago
Wait, were you referring to gm user or legacy1?
I said I had almost got the GM2 in the YYN BST.
You can still get them in B/S/Ts,I almost got one for $50,but then DNAs came out…
I said I had almost got the GM2 in the YYN BST.
gm user:You can still get them in B/S/Ts,I almost got one for $50,but then DNAs came out…

where did you see the gm 2?
I thought that james was referring to legacy1 lol, sorry for the misunderstanding :-[ Need to remember to read other posts before posting…