Good day

Try making up some new tricks, now that you have some moves at your disposal, it is easier to create new tricks

And the Game isn’t a game either. Its just a bunch of states (state-machine); each with defined paths of execution forwards or backwards; each leading to a new state which in turn has defined paths resulting in new or old states.

Kinda takes all the mystery out of it when you code your first one.

On thread: I had a good day. I submitted my completely re-written iOS app to the app-store.
Happy Happy Joy Joy… :slight_smile:

I had a good day, the girl i have a crush on told me she likes me

I guess breaking up with that other girl really was a good thing GregP :smiley:

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They run like buses. If you are desperate, call a cab. But it’ll cost you more.

Nicee man haha

had a good day yesterday. went to toys r us to look at baby stuff. (new dad here) and saw a yoyofactory velocity. and i was like “what? yoyofactory at toys r us?” its been a while since I’ve thrown. so i bought it. not to bad…then me and my buddy went and played magic the gathering till midnight. came home threw some more and my wife said “fathers days coming up you want a new a yo yo?” i said “hellz yea!” then went on a mission to find all my old yo yo stuff…

That is a good day, Johnny!

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