Good contest tricks

So i am competing at worlds and i really want to make it past wild card but i dont have very good tricks. if anyone has a youtube tutorial they know or know a trick please tell me. thanks!


3 words. Walk. The. Dog.


Scales has a cool series on YouTube where they analyze contest freestyles, I guess that could help you with competitions and what tricks score better

Also I think lacerations score a lot since there are so many variations and they don’t take a lot of time to do

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If you want some real answers I would recommend looking at the wildcard results from last year’s world yoyo contest ( and then watching the freestyles from the better players (you can find them on youtube). Also, familiarize yourself with the basics of clicking and technical evaluation and use that to optimize.

The main piece of advice I would give is to focus on having as few negatives (every missed element is a negative) as possible, since every negative not only subtracts from your score, but you also lose the positive clicks that you would’ve gotten for the element. Therefore the shorter the freestyle, the larger impact missing things has since each element is taking up a larger percentage of the freestyle.