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This was my first ever contest and i am competing next week so i am trying to collect as much feedback as possible for my last routine (i think the routine your about to watch is lame compared to the one i have now created)
Anyways any comments would be really useful
Here’s the clip:


Well done! Good luck on your next competition! Not sure if I really have a rating from 1-10, partially because it depends on whether you’re planning to compete in sport, but I’d recommend looking into the judging criteria for the contest and your division and going from there.

I really like the tricks in your freestyle here! The main improvement I’d say would be from a performance point of view. Most competitions have musicality or showmanship as a judging criteria, and you want your performance to be engaging for the audience. So try and work on connecting with the audience more by looking up towards them, even if it’s online, trying to match your tricks with music cues, and using your space to enhance the performance. Don’t be afraid to move to different parts of the stage during different sections of your freestyle. Most importantly, have fun! Not only will you enjoy the freestyle more if you have fun with it, but so will the audience. You’ve got this!


Ong thank you so much i totally understand what you are saying and i will try to implement it on my next freestyle (i can’t promise anything)

Again this insight has really helpful and i am glad you took the time to reaponde to my post


Happy to help! You’ll do great! It takes practice so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t go perfectly, you’ll get better with time and more opportunities to perform in front of people! When you do the competition, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would love to see your freestyle so if you can, please upload it when you do!


Tha pas mia xara - kalh tixi!


You’ve got some difficult tricks but the flow between them isnt as good,
i’d say objectiveley its around middle of the road, so like ~7


Yo I think it’s good! You did your tricks clean and that goes a very long way to creating an awesome performance. I think you’ve been given some great advice, especially if you’re competing in sport again. Sport is all evals with no technical score or clicks typically. I don’t know which contest you’re competing in or what the rules are for it but I think either way it would make sense to aim for improving some of the showmanship type things. i read some great advice above about how to do that. I really liked the tips about using all of the space available and working with your music. Even if there aren’t strong music cues, you can work with the overall vibe and flow of your tricks to match, like how you were in the ante routine. Good luck and have fun!


Thank you all so much i am glad so many players gave me information and encouraged me to compete. I will make sure to make use of as much space a possible and improve on my showmanship. Again thank you all and i will be post the results of the upcoming contest fir anyone interested.

Ps is there another greek yoyoer ? (I am shocked)


No problem! I’m pretty sure @Georgekouts said they’re in Greece. (Sorry if I am mistaken!)


Yes! Greeks are on the rise! Feel free to add me on instagram Andreas!


What’s your insta

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