Hey, I am looking to get my first C3yoyodesign yo-yo. What is the best C3 yo-yo that is under $130? I like long spinning, and stable throws that also correct bad throws. I am leaning toward the Trident or Glitter right now. Can you give me your opinions?
Get a capless and you will not regret it just get some extra response pads cause mine came outage get a od 10 ball and you will have smooth floaty play for a lot less that the trident
I have tried a lot of C3 throws and they all seem very well designed and very high quality. I love my Capless, Halo, Yeah3, and Dark Star. Go with whatever you are most attracted to. You won’t go wrong.
I’ve owned a Dark Star, Yeah3, Di Base, Halo, Glitter, Berserker, Alpha Crash, and Capless. I’m yet to be disappointed by any of the C3s I’ve purchased. Can’t go wrong with C3.
Thank you to everybody that gave me advice on what throw to get. I ended up going for the Trident. I did not go for the Capless because I had a lot money, I really liked the Trident’s ano, and I did not really like the shape of the Capless.
Just for the sake of posterity, let me throw out there that I do not consider the Capless floaty, at all.
Don’t get me wrong-- I LOVE this yoyo! I’m not saying that it’s not floaty as a negative thing. But I think it has the kind of string presence that an Avalanche has… it’s not a brick on a string, but nor is it what I tend to think of as “floaty”.
The capless is a great throw, i wouldnt call it floaty like greg said. Its fun for a while, but once you try some higher end stuff you may not feel the need for it anymore. I cant stand to throw my capless now, but at first i loved it. For the price though its really solid.
It comes and goes. For a while I wasn’t in the mood for its non-floatiness and I thought, “Maybe I should sell this along”. But then the other day I picked it up for the heck of it and I was like, “Capless! You still rock!” and give it a yoyo-sized hug.
I think it’s going to be a good friend for learning horizontal.