Gnarwhal 2 vs orca

Hey guys gnarwhal 2 or orca ? what are your thoughts ? which clyw do u prefer

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I have both of these yoyos and I find myself reaching for the Gnarwhal 2 way more often. I’m a sucker for smaller diameter throws and the gnarwhal has that classic organic V shape CLYW does so well. Both are plenty capable in the performance department. I recommend trying a Chief if you can find one!

I alr have the chief but it isnt really the one i pick up the most … that spot goes to my ac2

Well…gnarwhal has a freaking horn on its head. I think it’d win in a fight vs an orca IMHO.

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yes, but who would win in a gnarwhal vs. unicorn epic battle?

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that battle would be a battle for the ages

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I would take Gnar 2. That thing is a super fun all arounder. I didn’t bond with the orca very well. I found it a bit heavy and sluggish for my liking. As far as CLYW reccs? Chief, BVM2, and Avalanche all come to mind

So the gnar2 is faster while the orca is more solid ?

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Exactly. At least in my case this was true. While Gnar isnt a speedy throw in general, it is a bit smaller and will feel like its moving faster. You can push it alot more. It was just more “fun” for me.

Both of them are made in the us right ?

Yea, that was before the switch

This was my experience as well. Gnarwhal 2 is probably my favorite old school CLYW.

this is gonna be a hard choice … i mean u cant go wrong with any clyw yoyos