Getting a new YoYo

Well, a Grind Machine is completely unresponsive. Could you please answer the following questions so I can guide you to a yoyo that will fit you?

  1. What size do you prefer? (Big, small, medium, etc)
  2. What shape do you prefer? (Be specific: Round Butterfly, Flat Rims, pointy shape, H-Shape)
  3. What response do you prefer? (Silicone, O-Ring, Hybrid, Pad, etc)
  4. Do you like to mod/maintain it?
  5. Does color matter?
  6. How does your style relate to the yoyo? (What kind of tricks do you like to do?)
  7. What is your price range?
  8. What is your skill level?
  1. medium
  2. butterfly
  3. i really don’t know like i said im really new
  4. maybe in the future
  5. no
  6. string tricks
  7. at the most $50
  8. intermediate

I must say, the Plastic Grind Machine would be a wonderful choice for you :wink:

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Yup, that or the Legacy



And you’ll definitely want some strings…

ok thanks both of you i think im gonna go with the grind machine…also i was planning on getting a 100 count of orange poly. thnx again

You could get a dark magic special edition before they run out.

Thanks again! The videos were very helpful! (I also like the third methord the best ^^)

When you get a little more advanced, the way I get rid of spaghetti string is doing a plastic whip. I plastic whip the yo-yo, then take the middle string and pull it to the left pretty far. This causes the string to spin around the yo-yo very quickly and is kind of a variation of sidewinder. It is also a lot quicker than sidewinder.

Mongorriller, it’s like that    ^^^      ?

for my birth day im getting an 888 from my parents a speed maker from my couson and a mighty flea from my friend

I would say that for a beginner that you should buy a darkmagic, theres a reason the are the top yoyo here. If you are having trouble binding then i would go here - Intermediate - Bind Returns or recomend a duncan flying squirell. I hear that for $8 this yoyo plays very well and can even loop. Also the squirell comes with a counerweight and is great at 5a(freehand).

For string i would recomend yoyonation highlights. They have great colors, great play, and are very durable. I use them on a regular basis because of how great there play is. You should probably replace a string after 2 days or until they look very fuzzy. Keep even tension by changing the direction you wind the yoyo. Never leave a knot in the string. If the knot is tight then you can use needles or pliers to GENTLY untie the knot.

A good lubricant is yoyojam thin and yoyojam thick lube. Thin makes the yoyo spin longer and less responsive(doesnt come back with a tug). Thick makes it very responsive yet with not as long of spin.


Thanks for the great post but he has already gotten a Legacy.

Oh, sorry then. Legacys are very good.