When you get a little more advanced, the way I get rid of spaghetti string is doing a plastic whip. I plastic whip the yo-yo, then take the middle string and pull it to the left pretty far. This causes the string to spin around the yo-yo very quickly and is kind of a variation of sidewinder. It is also a lot quicker than sidewinder.
I would say that for a beginner that you should buy a darkmagic, theres a reason the are the top yoyo here. If you are having trouble binding then i would go here YoYoExpert.com - Intermediate - Bind Returns or recomend a duncan flying squirell. I hear that for $8 this yoyo plays very well and can even loop. Also the squirell comes with a counerweight and is great at 5a(freehand).
For string i would recomend yoyonation highlights. They have great colors, great play, and are very durable. I use them on a regular basis because of how great there play is. You should probably replace a string after 2 days or until they look very fuzzy. Keep even tension by changing the direction you wind the yoyo. Never leave a knot in the string. If the knot is tight then you can use needles or pliers to GENTLY untie the knot.
A good lubricant is yoyojam thin and yoyojam thick lube. Thin makes the yoyo spin longer and less responsive(doesnt come back with a tug). Thick makes it very responsive yet with not as long of spin.