Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Welcome to the Forum. Thank you for joining us.


So awesome! Great collection.


Looked like a sick yoyo to me, haha!


What a great collection, especially the Black Bird!

Welcome to the forum!


ONE July is Live!!!

The GOAL = Play one yoyo for the next 31 Days.

  1. “What are you throwing today?”
    Post a picture.

  2. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”

  3. “What are you optimistic about this month?”

  4. "If you dont complete the challenge; Why? Picture of the yoyo that caused you to fail?

My answers;

  1. I will be throwing a “Modern Fixed Axel Yoyo”. While not a new concept, just a new name.

MK1xSW Red Blood Cell - Yoyo Expert Edition. This yoyo has a “Bricked” MR85 bearing from @Xanadu . I am also running his suggested string (Cant remember which string right now).

  1. I chose this yoyo because I was having a hard time picking between a Fixed Axel yoyo and a Modern Responsive yoyo. In the chaotic space of my mind, why not both? The RBC in a fixed configuration has great response. But metal “Axel” and Poly or Nylon/Poly string has great spin time. I feel I will not be limited this month with this choice.

  2. My intialt thought is to become well acquainted with this yoyo. Throwing something different almost every day, I am curious how attuned I will become with the yoyo. In my mind, it will become an extension of me, opening up avenues previously closed due to varriation.

  3. I am very worried about the arrival of a prototype this month. My plan is to stay strong and complete the challenge. Temptation is and will be real.

Have fun!


I’m picking my beater OG G2 banshee with a counterweight for this month.

I picked this yoyo because it’s my favorite out of my small collection, I’ve had it the longest out of all 4 of my current yo-yos, and I put some new pads in recently that are too big so I gotta wear them out and I think a month of throwing only this banshee should do it.

I’m planning on learning at least one new trick every day this month. I’ve already been doing it for almost 4 weeks now so what’s another month? Like I said, I’ll take a vid sometime today of my best combo and I’ll compare that to whatever vid I make at the end of the month, it should be fun!

I don’t have any yo-yos that will cause me to fail rn but I might be having a sugar glider come in soon that I really want to play with.


MK1 + TRT Bathysphere
Chosen as i wanted to use a yoyo i really like to look at.
And also wanted to use one with smaller gap than what i usally use so i should hopefully get better at landing the tricks i can do.
And will make learning new tricks tricky but fun.


Mini day 1 morning sesh


When I glued my first bearing and put it in my RBC I honestly thought I had messed it up, it should be spinning less. :rofl::rofl:


The yoyo I want to use wont be here until Wednesday :grimacing: I dont think Ill be able to just not throw for 2 days until it arrives. So I may have to cheat & use 1 throw today and tomorrow then switch.


That would be one at a time. :wink:


I’m almost thinking you or someone else mentioned this and talked about adding the additional days onto the end of the month. I see no issue with that.

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Is that the first attempt gnome or the second? It looks great brother. :smiley:

Day 1: The Throw

I’m throwing the The Count this month. It’s the worst yo-yo in my collection.

I’m hoping that by using this, I can improve my skills so that when I return to my beloved collection I’ll be able to play with my other throws they way they deserve!

The Grey I slapped in it yesterday is still a bit tacky, but I’ll get a video of a trick with this loser later in the day!


Thats what Im going to try. But I honestly dont think I’ll get through the whole month, so we’ll see!

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Here we go! Day 1 with the Mecha Bape. I’ve locked in my configuration with Ti Kisses. Figured I’d use something durable and already scratched.


Did swapping the bearing, starting and pads help? If it’s vibey you could also swap or flip the set screw

I’ll find out later today once the Grey finishes setting!

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Here is my first combo for the month!

It’s an unrolling 1.5 into branding into a bee sting aerial grind, into a simple 360 for a bind.

  1. “What are you throwing today?”
  • Orange Loop 720’s.
  1. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”
  • I was debating. These don’t sleep as well as some others I have. But they’re light so I can make big or small corrections. And I can seemingly get my hands closer together with these (probably a mental thing).
  1. “What are you optimistic about this month?”
  • learning better crossover (weave) loops. My left over right sucks.
  1. "If you dont complete the challenge; Why?
  • If I fail it’s because of the grind. It’s just lots of repetitive practice.
    Picture of the yoyo that caused you to fail?
  • Modernyoyos prototype