Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

One July, Day #1

I am locked in to the CLYW Gnarwhal for this month! I got it a few weeks ago, and knowing this was coming up, did not play it (ok maybe threw it for like 10 minutes but who wouldn’t) so that I would be more excited about spending a month playing only this!

I’m looking forward to see how my play style works with this bad boy and if it will get altered from dedicating so much time to 1 throw.

I’m hopeful I won’t be too tempted to pick up another yoyo this month. I purposely spent extra time with my other favorites to tide me over until August, but we shall see!! Let the challenge commence!!

  1. Clean machine (unfinished) No Jive.
  2. It’s a pretty reliably great player as No Jives go. At this point it’s easier for me to commit to a month of just one fixed axle than just one bearing throw.
  3. I think it’ll be nice and refreshing to throw just one No Jive I know I like when I’ve been bouncing between a ton these past few months. Def not concerned at all having thrown a single woodie for a year (twice). This is not some epic journey so much as just a nice soft reset.

  1. OD Wyvern on the lake!

  2. I don’t plan on going for all 30 days mostly because I’m not really practicing much so something corfortable till I snapped like a twig seemed appropriate.

  3. Begleri because its not “One skill toy july”


That was a “Gift” in a trade with @Yodaddyo . That is his work, not mine.

  1. “What are you throwing today?”


  1. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”

It was either this or my A-RT Kushmaxxx. But I’m determined to perfect finger spins, and eventually the DNA. Yes, I want to DNA. I’m tired of my friends kids being like “hey can you DNA?”; then seeing the look of disappointment on their faces when I do a cool string combo instead. The Gnome will also allow me to practice thumb grinds, and other grinds. It’s also a D bearing, which I love. It’s probably one of the most versatile yoyos I have in my collection.

  1. “What are you optimistic about this month?”

Learning to DNA and increasing my speed and accuracy with my current trick set. Maybe realizing that I don’t need as many yoyos as I have. Realizing my appreciation for others styles of play. I’m looking forward to playing fixed axle after a month without it.

  1. "If you don’t complete the challenge; Why?

I stumble upon a cache of my yoyos that have been hidden from sight, and can’t contain myself. I put my entire collection in storage for this month. I will be ordering yoyos, but they will go straight to the closet upon arrival. August will begin with a nice unbox therapy session.

Picture of the yoyo that caused you to fail?

I’ll update this if it happens…


Day 1.

  1. What are you throwing?
    TiSS Banshee. Freshly siliconed with an NSK DS bearing. Gonna be a fun month.

  2. Why did you choose this yoyo?
    First bimetal titanium, and have you seen this thing? Its ridiculously pretty and I just want to throw it lol.

  3. What are you optimistic about this month?
    Getting over decision paralysis and just playing yoyo more. I hope not spending minutes deciding what to throw helps me learn more tricks.

  4. If I don’t complete this challenge, why?
    I’ve got another Alliance on the way, possibly the May Patreon shipment will throw me off course.

  1. “What are you throwing today?”

No Jive Nikki

  1. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”

It is my newest throw and I have a soft spot for wooden throws. When I first started throwing in the 50s, all yoyos were made from wood!

  1. “What are you optimistic about this month?”

Re-learing all of the basic nonresponsive tricks.


  1. gonna throw my clyw avalanche

  2. chose it when i bought it solely based on looks. love the burnt earthy orange and the ducks make me giggle :smiley: have since fallen in love with its play (and the ducks still make me giggle). it feels amazing in the hand and has chonky rims that give me the spin time i need to stare at my yoyo going “what the crap was i supposed to do next??” when working through a new tutorial

  3. I’m looking forward to building a solid relationship with my first non beginner throw and continuing to lay some good fundamentals


For me it’s going to be the David Yo-yos Dreamland in Kirby Pink.
Why? Well, I realize what feels right to me is between 50-54mm. Often you miss out on amazing performance but this thing is an absolute beast. Mega-power and spin, unbelievable smoothness, and the shape is so incredibly comfy at the same time. And purdy too.
Goals. I’m hoping to focus a lot more on learning new things instead of cycling through my yo-yos throwing the same tricks. Good luck everyone. Let’s do this!! :smiley::+1:


My current throw…

Let me start by saying that my goal for the month is to wait for a special prototype that will be coming in a little later in July, and hold out for as long as I can so that I am able to enjoy that immediately; until that point, I am going cold turkey. Day one and I am already questioning my life choices. My pockets feel eerily empty, like something is missing (because it is). YoYo shaped objects tease me, Doorknobs, Frisbees, the Sun… I’m on edge like a bad rehab, but I’m going to stick this through (maybe).

I plan to do an update on a weekly basis, so hope you all stay tuned for the “SoM No-Throw July Chronicles.” :rofl:


That’s a handful of broken dreams right there. :sob::sob:


So I’m going to give the One throw for July a go and I’ve chosen my BBB-Beater:

I’ve chosen this throw because since it arrived a few weeks ago it’s been the yoyo I’ve used the most, so I may as well continue to do so. .

I like the Beater a lot, great size and shape and it performs very well for most tricks, or at least the ones I know! To me, it feels like a older CLYW throw if that makes sense. Plus, it was the one that my kids picked out for me out of the potentials I lined up for the month.

If I’m to fail then it’ll most probably be down to these two:

I was so tempted to just throw my No Jive “Eleanor” but I fancied a bearing yoyo and the YWET was almost the one but I throw that a lot anyway.

Looking forward to the challenge and getting to know this yoyo even more.

  1. “What are you throwing today?”
    No-Jive a.k.a. Dr. Teeth a.k.a. Royce

  2. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”
    Most of the fixed axle tricks I want to learn are going to require some dedicated practice time. It’s a long way to FAF 2025. Also, I really love just tossing a responsive yo-yo around casually while taking a walk.

  3. “What are you optimistic about this month?”
    I think focusing on fixed axle for a bit will help me build fundamental skills that will translate to other styles. My plan is to try to work through this past FAF trick list. I’m not sure if it’s within the rules to swap to the butterfly configuration, but I’ll do that if I get too frustrated.

  4. “If you don’t complete the challenge; Why?”
    Since I’m still pretty new at this, I don’t want the challenge to make me burn out on yo-yo or get bored of it. I’ll drop out of One July and play with my Superstar if I feel that happening.

  1. “What are you throwing today?”
    My beloved GTR-JS!

  1. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”
    I want to try to get at least one small horizontal combo that I can land consistently by the end of the month. This yoyo is just excellent for everything and is super comfy and powerful. I thought about maybe Hades or TitanX but I wanna try to use this challenge to focus on my zontals and this is my best-specced yoyo for it.

  2. “What are you optimistic about this month?”
    I feel like I’m already kind of beginning to feel how horizontal is supposed to feel, I think I can meet my goal. Once I can actually land anything I will post a video but I’m still doing a lot of tangles and restarts.

  3. Not thinking about failing the challenge. Might get tempted by one of the heavy yos or Elevated but as long as I keep them out of sight I should be good.


I’m throwing a Spinworthy BloodCell. I chose this one, because it is the oldest BloodCell I own, and I was tempted by the XL KNack, because it is slower, but the BC feels so natural in my hand. I am optimistic that setting a schedule and a goal, I will learn some new tricks and improve my focus. I do not intend to fail.


ngl when i saw that pic i didn’t realize beaker’s mouth was open and i thought he was rocking a porn 'stache… for about 30 seconds i thought my entire life was a lie…crisis averted, whew :sweat_smile:


Thanks, now that’s all I see! :disguised_face:


It would still be the One yoyo.

  1. Duncan Butterfly

  1. I like the Butterfly because everyone knows what a Duncan Butterfly is. I had one when I was a kid. When people see you throwing it, they know what you’re working with. They can be found in stores. They are cheap. They are not the “best”, but they play pretty well. Nostalgic. Classic. Fixed axle goodness.

  2. New tricks and having fun.

  3. I’ve been throwing only Butterflies for a year now. It’s not really a “challenge” for me cause that’s what I enjoy and what I would be doing anyway haha.


What am I throwing?
G2 AL7 Carbine

Why am I throwing it:
Went with one of the few yoyo’s I have duplicates of, and its my designed color way and if I want to carry something every day for 31 days, may as well have it in my select colors, and I have a back up Carbine in case this one gets dinged because yo-yos are meant to be played, and this one wasn’t as played as aggressively. It is a good yoyo that I am promoting a lot. Wad difficult to narrow it down between a lot yet, Carbine should be able to keep me busy.

What am I optimistic about this month.
Well Carbine is a great throw and as an average/below average thrower I think it can handle everything I throw it at and well it’s a month. I stuck to the exercise regime for 72 days, should be able to handle this.

If I don’t complete this challenge.
Temptation of another is a mistress that I usually fall for when it comes to things that I like. Or a really bad accident that loses motivation to play. :frowning: The cost of failure isn’t as bad as I think, and with the last yoyo 30 day related activity I don’t think the failure of it would be even 1/3rd as bad.