Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Well…I won’t be throwing today. Even after more than 24 hours, my Grey wasn’t fully set. Now I have a clean a brand-new string full of Grey, and have to redo the yo-yo.


oh my! i could hear that sad trombone from here…stay strong :muscle: :cry:

  1. What are you throwing today?

  2. Why did you pick this yoyo?
    It’s the yoyo that got me into the hobby and held my attention for years. It’s still one of the best yoyos ever made to this day, and the Motion Centripetal is probably the only yoyo I like as much as the Supernova, but it isn’t out yet.

  3. What are you optimistic about this month?
    The Hyper Nova release. Going to learn a few things if I can.

  4. If you don’t complete the challenge, why?
    Life is too short to not enjoy the things I paid for, and that includes the many yoyos from different brands. I could die tomorrow and it would be a shame for everything to have just sat there all neglected.


Thats what im doing. I have a new 54 coming tomorrow. Im throwing my cascade today and will add on an extra day in august so i still get a full month.


I had some grey that was a bit old and it never cured even after 48 hours. Turns out it can expire. I got a brand new tube and it was firm to the touch after only 12.

  1. “What are you throwing today?”

Dead ‘Orse

  1. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”

Because it arrived in the mail today.

  1. “What are you optimistic about this month?”

Kids are away at sleepaway camp. I’m optimistic I’m going to have some more time for myself.


Let me tell you the disappointment I will feel if I catch you with a different purple butterfly. There can only be one. In July. :slight_smile:


My one and all my coping mechanisms for losing variety.

Zipline HB23


First day report:

I’m sorry for my bad English but why not, could be a good exercise to speech it better.
Bc BlackBird all day long, it was fun! For the first time only 1 yoyo in my bag, a nice mental exercise


Sorry realized there are questions here.

  • What are you throwing today?”
    Post a picture.


  • “Why did you pick this yoyo?”
    My wife got it for me for Christmas and I think some time in unresponsive will do me good

  • “What are you optimistic about this month?”
    Hopefully I learn some 1A style tricks this month and branch out my skill base a bit

  • "If you dont complete the challenge; Why? Picture of the yoyo that caused you to fail?

It’ll be one of the G2 X YYBC prototypes that’ll get me probably. Or yoyo club like how do I just look at Arthur’s prototypes for Freshly dirty and not throw them?



You are an inspiration! Stepping out of your comfort zone! Please do not worry about your English, we will work it out.

Thanks for joining the Challenge AND Posting a Video. Awesome Trick!



Sorry, I forgot the questions

“What are you throwing today?”
BC BlackBird

“Why did you pick this yoyo?”
Because an Imperial shape is for life

“What are you optimistic about this month?”
I hope to learn self-control

"If you dont complete the challenge; Why? Picture of the yoyo that caused you to fail?
Probably for throw a Butterfly


I would wager that the grey you are using is no good anymore. I’ve tried some of mine at 4-6 hours and they played fine but I could disobey the cure time. :disappointed:


This is awesome. Thank you for joining us and for sharing. As Cody said… don’t worry about your speech. If you say something really bad, the worst we will do is send you some sort of severed head in the mail…:rofl::rofl::rofl:
In case my English was too good… I was kidding :rofl:
I loved your excitement when you caught the trick.


I’m so sad i just accidentally used a different yoyo making a yoyo giveaway video. sadly im out but i will still use one yoyo starting now.


i see one of your coping mechanisms is edmund’s oast, they brew that here in my hometown! they have some yummy recipes that have gotten me to try (and like) brews i wouldnt have otherwise. nice choice :ok_hand:

  1. “What are you throwing today?”
    Post a picture.

For the next 31 days I will be playing exclusively with the One Drop Top Deck.

  1. “Why did you pick this yoyo?”

Everyone kept telling me how amazing it is so I figured it’s about time I give it a try.

  1. “What are you optimistic about this month?”

Learning Superman


i mean… i only got 1 working yoyo, so i’m kinda far ahead of you guys, with exception to my outdoor yoyo, but i only went outside once last month, so it’s not that big of a setback

my main yoyo is a pragma
that’s the only nicely working yoyo i own
i’m learning my back cataloge of ■■■■■■■■■■
-this one ( taught by izuru hasumi, his signature yoyo is the pragma
-kasuga ayumu’s speedcombo ( just started today, got on step 20 not fast yet obviously
-and hopefully be able to do horizontal, behind the back, and both


I am sure the community will give you a pass on this? I mean you are giving away a yoyo. Post your details for the rest of the month.


some people didn’t count accidental as a fail for their fasting, so i think you’re good bro