I think I pretty much did this when I got my first one… I absolutely adore the HB23, youll have a blast with that choice
I get a Top Deck in the mail on the 1st. Debating if I should just go in blind and commit to it even though I’ve never even touched one before.
Yes, do it. I got a Top Deck in February 2019 and have not like any yoyo more since then.
The Top Deck will not disappoint brother. Anyone who has one will tell you so. I remember you saying somewhere I think that you hadn’t put much into unresponsive for a while, the Top Deck will give you the stability and spin time to power through many mistakes. But then again, you may be the odd duck who hates the thing…
Tough call.
I don’t think anyone who likes 1A could totally HATE the topdeck… It may not fit some peoples specific tastes but at the absolute bare minimum it’s a great yoyo. I think it’s a pretty dang safe pick blind!
@bigstupidbees @Slestak75 @ChrisFrancz alright, you’ve successfully peer pressured me. I’ll do it!
I’m still expecting some yoyo deliveries throughout the month, but none will get strung until August 1st.
This right here is my issue. Im not sure Ill have the willpower to not at least test throw the new member of my collection…
Gunna do a Minitee because I like to get mad a lot
I have two on the way now. I will not string them nor any other purchases, until August.
This is my 1 July. I am setting myself a schedule, too. 3 PM every afternoon for at least 1/2 HR. I WILL learn some tricks.
That maple blood cell looks great. Hoping to get one at some point.
That’s a beauty!
I got it from someone here, not sure who. I have four bloodcells. I picked this one, because it is the oldest, and I am most used to it. I was tempted by the KNack XL in Spectraply, because it is slower, but decided in favor of the Bloodcell.
Wooden Blood Cell. Color me jealous.
My pick would be my Divine Metal Top Deck.
As for why this throw? I think the photos speak for themselves. But if they don’t, well, the Top Deck is one of my all-time favorite throws, and one of the few that I can easily play for a whole month straight without getting bored.
Wow!!! Wow, wow, wow!!! That thing is dazzling!!!
For me, if it weren’t for the absolutely perfect for me David Yo-yos Dreamland… I might have picked my Top Deck too.
I’ve decided I’m going to use my Watieoboo Count. Gonna try to beef it up a bit, and will document my progress through the month.
I’ve been thinking about it. I can’t stick to one yoyo. I carry an unresponsive and a fixie all day, every day. I use them at different times and in different situations. I think I’m going to pick one unresponsive and one fixie and try to just use those TWO for the month of July. I’ll be kind of playing along. Lol.
I can’t be letting you go it alone, I’ll use a Respawn and a pair of loopers. I would like to improve my responsive skills.
This is a sacrifice, my Overture and Rebirth will be tempting me the whole month lol.