Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Same issue. What do you do when you have so many options


First question I need to answer is do I go 0a or 5a. I juuuuust started attempting 5a last week, so Id probably benefit from focusing on it.

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Tough call. I guess it depends if you want it challenging.

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Both! Fixie 5A!

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:thinking: why didnt I consider that. Though Im a newb at both and wouldnt even know quite what to try. Could be a really fun challenge :sweat_smile:

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This is whyā€¦

ā€œ3 weeks left on my 2nd year spent throwing a single wooden yo-yo. i know i havenā€™t updated this blog as i intended. life intervenes. i assuage my guilt by reflecting that really whatever i say here is meaningless to anyone else. this whole experience is a meditation. thereā€™s no way, really, to communicate either its specific strangeness or whatever lessons itā€™s contained to someone else. absurdly pointless though it may seem to most, itā€™s a way which must be walked.ā€œ @edhaponik

Thanks @Pun1sh3R i hadnā€™t read this.


My only issue is that Iā€™ll be in Europe for most of July. I was planning on ā€œtravel teamā€.


Not really, this is what I brought to nationals.

I was, however, considering the starters.

Who will be my Eur.Yo? Sorry, had to.


Well I guess we helped lighten you load by 5 yoyos?


This specific throw will not be the one butā€¦ a Panorama is tempting.


I had it in the back of my mind, what if I just brought one? so I think you did.

You guys mightā€™ve saved me a boatload of money! Maybe not, I could still bring a few for glamour shots.

Paris, Leiden, London. Week each.


I have to actively try to throw all my yoyos and even with a conscious effort, somehow Hades finds its way back into my throw hand. I think Iā€™ll be sitting this one out but have fun yā€™all!


Iā€™m taking into consideration my travel plans for the month too.

I have a camping trip, a music festival, hikes, bonfires, beach days etc lined up.

Also it has to be a good EDC, usually Iā€™ll carry one on me that I donā€™t mind banging around and then play the shelf queens when I got home.


Wellā€¦ Iā€™m in. Iā€™ll throw a No Jive. At least I know Iā€™ve got it in me.

Thanks for reading that blog. Means a lot. Exercises like this arenā€™t necessarily designed to push oneā€™s skill so much as oneā€™s outlook. I know it sounds a bit like your dad telling you mowing the lawn builds character. I donā€™t know if this kind of limitation (yoyo asceticism lol?) builds anything. But maybe the things it makes you WONDER: (ā€œwhat do I need? What can I do without?) are useful in terms of your attitude toward yo-yo play.
Hope so anyway. :pray:t3:


I think a lesson I can take from this experience will be to cherish what I have more and maybe stop focusing on the next throw. Who knows though. Maybe Iā€™ll relapse


I think I might get in on this one. I will go at it blind though. I ordered a gen2 54 tonight. It may arrive a few days after the 1st but I will make up any days on tha back end. I am a little concerned about the width because its not going to be very pocket friendly.


I want to use a yoyo that has a small gap so i get better at the tricks i can do.

And a yoyo that will also be great for when i learn new tricks

And just an overall really fun yoyo to use

So this is my mine for july
MK1/TRT bathysphere


An excellent choice! One of the funnest throws of recent years. Thumb grinds on the ā€œinner hullā€ are chefs kiss


I have already started with the No Jive. I didnā€™t realize how rusty I had become with a wooden throw, even one as advanced as the No Jive. Off the cuff, I tried to demo some simple tricks with it to my two grandsons. I need practice.

This is going to be a challenge for me.

Good deal!


Iā€™ll be on the zipline honeybadger my wife got me for Christmas for the month


I am feeling like learning zontals lately and my GTR-JS is my best horizontal player so I think I am actually gonna have the best chance of not-failing the challenge on it. I tried learning a little on my Ashigaru but it was way way harder. I can get something going on the GTR but it felt almost impossible on the Ashigaru. I know it isnā€™t, but I just donā€™t have the skills yet to keep a lower power, narrower yoyo up there.

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