Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Ohh looks nice

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But am I still worthy :slight_smile:

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I feel like you need some just for club posterity reasons. Almost like a keeper of records. Even if you are trying to sway people away to the dark side.


Nah I think I lost this one fair and square. Cody will have one I imagine he will keep it safe :slight_smile:

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I was thinking it would be funny to have really tiny emended stickers that say ā€œalmostā€ that people could stick over the word ā€œonlyā€. But Iā€™m not exactly sure how small they would need to be. Or a little * with a correction in the empty space.

Too late for any physical versions of those things unfortunately though. Maybe people can draw in their own.


We can get you a rubber stamp for the Blank section.


Stamp the sticker and send it out?


Heck hand written in red sharpie


If I can find the time to Data Diveā€¦

Failed 7/6/2024.



Thatā€™s actually a great idea. I wouldnā€™t be opposed to cutting out a small stencil for this.


Production - not yet. Proto - yes. @bheinz63 knows moreā€¦

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We are about a week away from completing/failing this challenge.

What will be the First Yoyo you throw after the challenge? Why?

What have you learned about yourself during this challenge?

Anyone up for a IronMan continuation? Who can go the longest with their ONE?


Iā€™ll probably toss my Pilgrim first, because I miss it.

Iā€™ve learned that I still really suck at throwing.

I could be convinced to keep going!

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I think the first yoyo Iā€™ll throw will be the BoHo I got delivered at the beginning of the month. Iā€™m so curious how it plays and if a slight shortening of the axle gap will make this a hidden fixie gem.


correct, only a proto so far and it needs pretty major overhaul

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I have a plan for the FD Stem system, donā€™t want to give it away just yet though, haha.


Workhorse V2 proto


Hades. I miss the big heavy yos! After Hades Iā€™m throwing all of them though because what I really miss most is the variety.

That I can deal with having just one super good yoyo. If push came to shove Iā€™d probably sell my record collection first but if I had to trim my collection down to 1 I would probably be fine. I probably will reevaluate some of my yoyos and perhaps get rid of some.

I switched bearing cleaning methods during this month so I will probably be cleaning all my bearings. I used to do acetone but I felt like it was leaving some kind of residue (cheap acetone from target so probably) so now I just use soap and water. Seems easier to get it smooth just packing soap in and spinning it to scrub, then a little tiny tiny thin lube to kill the harsh noise.

No Iron man for me Iā€™m grabbing Hades as soon as the 1st is upon us.


Iā€™m still No-Jive only. The No-Jive is definitely worthy. Between travel, hurricane and other stuff my throwing hasnā€™t been the best. But I am goodā€¦


The unresponsive that has called me the absolute most during all of this is the Haymaker OG, but the desire to scratch that responsive itch is too great to ignore, so the Workhorse V2 proto will be the first yo-yo I throw. I dare say it will occupy my throw hand for a rather lengthy session. After that the OG followed by everything else. I will allow you tough guys to go on, I will absolutely not be continuing this madness. I will say that; moving forward, I feel like I will be much more likely to pick a responsive and an unresponsive for the day and stick to them as opposed to switching out all day every day. I donā€™t feel like this month has been a waste of time but I donā€™t see myself ever doing such a thing againā€¦ :rofl::rofl:


Still in.