Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Day 11. I realized if I just had one functioning yoyo I enjoyed, with the potential to play responsive and unresponsive, for the rest of my life, I’d be just fine. And if that yoyo was the $35 Respawn I got from ohdavidbowie, that would be quite all right.


Great time to practice NTH looping with the RBC.

Yeah that’s pretty much how it’s gonna be. It’s all honor system here. No big reward so it makes no sense to lie either. Just a neat thing. I lost motivation as it’s been just a super stressful week and also I’m gonna throw cool stuff at your club in a week


Don’t hold your head down low brother…. You might smack your forehead with with all those yo-yos. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


My bearing started screaming today so I cleaned it and somehow it is running quieter dry right now than it was with lube before it got loud. I’ll take it!


Day 12…still working on the first Kwijibo hop.

I’ve been crazy busy at work, so I’m only practicing bits here and there. Hoping to give it some real time this weekend.


Keep at it. I found that the whole trick really clicked into place after I nailed the first hop.


Week 2: The SoM “No-Throw July” Chronicles

Yoyo-ing Mentally on My Decisions

I’m yoyo-ing mentally on my decisions (yes, I went there). Week two of “No-Throw July” is a rollercoaster. My willpower is being tested like never before, and sanity was never quite one of my strong suits to begin with.

The Arrival of the BST Throws

A couple of my BST throws came in this week (not the one I was looking for though). Naturally, I had the misfortune of unpacking them and staring at them before putting them in the corner like children in time-out. They look at me, wondering what horrible new household they’ve entered. “We even came stringed, please love us,” they silently cry. I try to ignore their pleas, but a single tear rolls down my cheek, reminiscent of the old Native American trash commercial from the '70s. “Patience, my children, you will be loved!” I shout, much to the confusion of my neighbors.

The Otter’s Complaint

My Otter yoyo is not amused. “This is Otterly ridiculous!” it declares. Meanwhile, my G2 Afterlife is actually starting to float away, living up to its soul-based name. I swear, if it starts glowing, I’m calling a priest.

The Judgment of Your Mom

Then there’s my YoYoFreaks Your Mom. It looks at me with utter disdain and says, “You’re no son of mine.” The shame is strong with this crew. I feel like I’m living in a soap opera, but with more string and less scandal, and none of my relatives are in a coma.

The Oreo Incident

Went to work today, and someone brought snacks. Oreos. Suddenly, I’m Indiana Jones facing his worst fear. “Oreos, why did they have to be Oreos?” I mutter, trying to resist the temptation. It’s harder than it looks, little round jerks.

Finger Musings

I sit in the living room playing my guitar, trying to keep my mind on other things. Jamming out hits you all know and love like “Hit Me With Your Best Monkey-Snot,” “Throw-hemian Rhapsody.” “The Sound of Bearing Silence,” “Throwing in the Deep,” “I Can’t Get Yo Satisfaction,” and “Should I Stay or Should I Throw.” I look at my fingertips and wonder if the same callus I worked so hard on my throw finger will ever be the same. What has this challenge done to me? In the meantime, I’ll just keep re-organizing my throws while humming “all in all it’s just a….nother Shelf on the Wall”

The Chicken-Yo Conundrum

While making dinner, I secretly wonder if I stick a toothpick between the small ends of two chicken wings and join them together, will it yoyo? Is it a super-wide? Definitely a fixed axle throw. Alas, the Dr. Moreau’ed Chicken-Yo did not see life, but I am still wondering. Maybe worth a messy shot one day.

Holding Out Hope

I am surviving. I will get there. Hold out hope and cross your fingers that my throw comes in next week. Until then, I’ll keep my yoyos in time-out and my sanity in check……Maybe.

Stay tuned for more tales from “No-Throw July.” Will I finally get my much anticipated July proto? Will my yoyos forgive me? Will I resist the Oreos? Only time will tell (except the Oreos, they’re definitely gone).


I don’t see my name on there :frowning:

I think that One July is having an unanticipated impact on my No Buy July. I’m still holding off on retail purchases, but I hit the BST a few times during the last 48 hours.

The Magic YoYo T10 that @Solarbeam had listed was what opened the floodgates. If you were on ebay back in the early 2010s and “Magic T10” doesn’t ring a bell, you might remember searching for “Dark Magic” and having the T9 and T10 pop up on account of their names: “Dark Angel” and “Dark Angel 2.” I was always curious about it back then… so I guess it’s kind of a minor grail? Say what you will. The z-stack removal looks like it was traumatic? Sure… It’s still my… Dark Angel. :wistful_vampire:

Then @Dexjones0612 updated his sales thread with some incredible deals, including one on a splashed 3yo3 Omni-X, which… well, it’s just not being fair to me or my sense of resolve.

The TiDehunter is still a lot of fun, though. I haven’t learned any new tricks, really, but I wasn’t expecting to. I think I am getting more consistent, which is all I aspire to. When I was a kid I had to go to therapy for poor fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and in my 40s I’ve started to need reading glasses. The way I see it, everything after Trapeze is gravy.

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trash commercial from the '70s

Great, now I’m hungry for trash.

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Day 12: still in.

Here’s most of Statikwyjibo. Not quite there yet.


Day 12:
I am sorry guys but i am out. I have been getting yoyos in the mail that i really want to try. This was really fun and i feel like i was improving so i will still use my galaxy diver a lot.


Still going but I’ve been tempted to cheat on my Beater!

Does this month seem longer than norml?


My last good string was just too shredded, got out and made a couple new ones! Should be good for at least another week lol


I can say with absolute certainty…. I will never be doing this again.


It’s funny, this is making me realize I can operate with just one yoyo as long as I love it. I am appreciating the heck out of my collection even more and I look forward to having a fresher look at a lot of my throws next month. Perhaps I will purge a couple? I do still really love variety so once I have a yoyo budget again I will be seeking a handful of choice throws, but my unresponsive collection is actually really well rounded for me.


I feel like I got the Boingy Boing and Eli Hops to click today. It feels pretty good. Eli Hops are pretty fun the less you miss. :rofl:


they’re such good tactile feedback for me! i dunno what it is but theres something really satisfying feeling about eli hops

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Guys I just pull started my fat tire to quickly unwind the string so I could take it off of the yoyo, I didnt realize what I was doing. I stopped it immediately and didnt do any tricks or anything, it never was even strung up on my finger. Am I out?