Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

I’m not sure i can blame you. I’ve checked out that one and that colorway is the best for sure. its just really sharp. glad you like it!


I already miss my Pilgrim and Emotion!


Day 7:
I was out for a few days for my stag party and I brought my friend BlackBird with me, throwing a black yoyo in the dark is a big challenge! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


I am not a very active participant but life has been a little crazy. I managed to get a vid today during some chill time.


You got some sick tricks on that thing! I don’t blame you one bit


Modern metal responsive fans, you know that feeling when the lube, response, string type and string length all come together for a perfect response and it feels like magic? Regens and shoot the moons put a smile on your face. You could toss the throw to someone that has never yo-yoed and see joy in their eye as they tug respond it all the way back to their hand.

Took me 7 days but the Respawn is just right, and should hopefully make the next few weeks a joy and keep temptation at bay.


Working on getting better at skin the gerbil and kwyjibo
Had a look at my ti edge
Very tempting
But i can resist


What Lune did you use? How much? Which string and thickness?

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Brain lube. I used like three drops which was too much but after playing it for a few days it got to the sweet spot. It’s got the stock pads on it, and using some pink alpha line, length is right above the twins



Holding strong so far


I lost. Ross had these crazy 3d printed throws at the DXL crew meet up and I just had to try it. That’s my bad on that one :joy:


I will pop in for a quick week 1 update. This is easier for me as I only have 1 to choose from. I will however save the photos for a full update on 1st of August.


It’s been one week! My goal has been to use one Yoyo and learn at least one trick each day, and I’ve done that so far. Since the beginning of this month I’ve learned:

One handed grind bind
5a bind intercept and toss over
5a tower stall
Cheese triangle/Dorito
5a Prayer catch
Key maker whip
“Easy speed Yoyo trick for noobs”
Slingshot GT

Really enjoying the event so far, thank you to the organizers and everyone involved!


At 1 week… I have made one slip up. Aside from that I have stuck with the Dreamland. I was concerned the 50mm diameter would be too small for me, I had the Mini Star 2 in the past and while it is an insanely amazing player, wielding the 48.8mm diameter proved to take more concentration than my damaged brain was able to enjoyably supply. I am so happy to say that the Dreamland still throws with a regular amount of focus for me, but its smaller size does require me to be more accurate. I have seen noticeable improvement in several areas where I was missing the mark more often at the beginning of this last week. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I’ve gotta say though… the cries of those other yo-yos grow stronger every day. It’s actually kind of fascinating to discover just how deeply rooted this ancient toy has become in me. I just try to reach for improvement when I hear those forgotten friends screaming out what a %%#>€~£ I am for abandoning them so. What are ya gonna do? Hang in there. Only 3 more weeks. :rofl:


Way to go. That is a lot of dedication to get a trick a day. But honestly if you are smart about the order you learn them in, you could stack them where every new trick builds on something you learned in the last trick. Keep up the hard work.


Yall I’m struggling today. I miss my other yoyos. Must stand strong. Its only day 8


I nearly picked up my SnapBack in a rough call today. I don’t know why. I held strong though


Been away for a while. Day n-8

Still in. Hid all my throws so this is getting surprisingly easier. No snariness, just peace. Serenity. Like a wave washing over my soul


It’s no joke brother. I feel ya. It is getting very real feeling how hard that pull can be to throw another favorite. One really begins to question the “why” of all of this. :rofl::rofl: