Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

I say it doesn’t count as a failure. Of course, I have no horse in this race, so take my opinion with a grain of salt :laughing:


I kind of tend to look at this whole thing as an exercise in self control. Since I didn’t make a conscious decision to do this, I don’t really view it as a failure either. A slip for sure and a reminder that I am far from infallible. :smiley::+1:


Recieved v.3 TCT TMBR axels yesterday. Excited, took them to the wall. Went to grab on of my TMBR’s. Then realized; If I swap this axel, I HAVE to try it.

Putthe new axels in the drawer.


I’ve got all my other throws locked away, except the LK Glass I have to move on for a PiF.


honestly I’m not sure how yall have been doing it. i don’t have anywhere near the habbits built up and last night i found myself reaching for a duncan imperial of all things just to play catch. i barely OWN more than one yoyo and i almost failed without thinking about it. i feel bad for all of you that are questioning what you got yourself into and who thought this maniacal contest up :rofl:


It sobering isn’t it??? :rofl:


ONE July, Day #3 -

Been enjoying the Gnarwhal so far! It has a great feel and handles well. Been working on stringing together a fun little combo and this goes through the paces without struggle.

There hasn’t been too much temptation, but I just worked out a deal for a trade, and I am very worried about when that new throw gets in……:flushed::face_with_peeking_eye:


Day 3.

Stop 'N Pop

Reverse Stall to Zipper


That Stop n Pop was awesome!! Seeing that Dead ‘Orse in action is great. I looks to play very nice.


It plays great. I kind of want a bigger gap but I’ve mostly been able to do any trick I’ve tried, so I guess it’s not needed :smiley:

Wooooh! Great choice Cody. The string I sent is the Twisted Stringz Regular - which is quite thin and tightly wound. I find this type of string works best on the fixie RBC.

I’m personally not participating in this event, but I pretty much carry a fixie RBC 95% of the time anyways.


I’m making my life easy. I pick an uprld notion with an easy on off soft counterweight and plutonium string.


Day 3 played a bit
Put on a fresh string


Beach day


Also don’t call the beach police on me

  1. What are you throwing today?

@DocPop PLTPS lite I got in today!

  1. Why did you pick this yoyo?

Responsive 5a is my current hyperfixation! Plus new yoyo!

  1. What are you optimistic about this month?

I know if I can stick to it Ill notice improvement. Im brand new to 5a in general and never really got past super intro level anything yet. Im hoping to have really nailed some fundamentals so I can actually progress.

  1. If you dont complete the challenge; Why?

Im most likely to fail if the hyperfixation wavers/moves on. Its just as likely I’ll put the yoyo down and not even pick up another yoyo- but something completely different thereby failing my goal of really working on my skills all month

ETA. Since the PLTPS only came in today, Id spent the past 2 days throwing my Pop Art. If Im still going on 7/31, I’ll try to tack on 2 more days.


Day 3:

Still going strong with the Top Deck. I’m loving it! Came home from work and had a fresh BoHo in the mailbox. It was the most tempted I’ve been to throw another yoyo since the 1st. But fret not! I shall not succumb to my wooden fixie desires!

Quick! Someone tell me how the BoHo feels to play so I can live vicariously through you.


Hey! Today I decided to test cotton string on my BlackBird but finally I still prefer polyester! :sweat_smile:


My 4 year daughter love it! Walking the dog every day around streets, forest and rocks. Is built like a tank and with double loop is perfect for modern responsive :wink:


Love the thumbnail!

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