Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

WK1 Chronicle / WK2 Chronicle / WK3 Chronicle

Week 4: The SoM “Yes-Throw July” Chronicles

The Workhorse’s Shield

The Workhorse v2 has shielded me well. Yet, other yoyos still try to talk me into throwing them, begging for my love. The Workhorse has held strong, protecting me like a mighty Spartan in the midst of battle, but my throws’ whispers still make it to my ears. They’re trying to Leonidas kick me into the pit of playing with them all, but my V2 and I are a team, and we just have to hold a little longer……

The Pinecone’s Plight

My Huatian Pinecone is beginning to rot away in the corner. It’s like a metaphor for all the tricks I’m not doing with it. It wishes it had fallen on my head instead, or that a squirrel comes to carry it away back into the woods.

Secret Silence and Fat Tire’s Warning

My One Drop Fat Tire has started giving me a low-pressure warning, and my Deep State and Cabal both say I am no longer part of their organizations and have gone quiet. No more confidential yoyo secrets are being relayed in the dead of night. What prophetic revelations am I missing? I need to know!

Sherpa’s Departure

The BC Sherpa, once my trusty companion, says it will no longer carry my gear for me. “You’re on your own,” it seems to say, and tosses all my stuff to the ground. Thanks Sherpa, I thought we were friends.

Birds and Beverages

The FD Featherweight Canary has already flown the coop, leaving an empty perch behind, I will now have to raise these nest eggs on my own. My Crucial Smoothie has melted and reverted back to juice. Clearly, it couldn’t handle the pressure.

My yoyos are not handling this separation well.

New Tricks with a New Friend

On the bright side, I’m having a lot of fun and learning new tricks with my Workhorse v2 now that I can play with it. It’s a Swiss Army Knife of capabilities. I’ve been adding some new moves to the repertoire like “Stalled Halley’s Comet,” “Kamikaze Whip Mount,” “Dazzling Dave’s Gunslinger,” “Rock the Baby on the Eiffel Tower,” “Double Down,” and “Magic Snap to Green Triangle.”

Double Down alone has been a thrill. There’s nothing like having a super fast-spinning responsive yoyo wrap around your neck and whirling inches from your eye socket while string wrapping it, haha. But the V2 has treated me well, no black eyes yet, just a sweaty forehead!

The Final Countdown

Half a week left, we can do this! The Workhorse v2 has been my rock through this challenging month (both simply waiting, and helping me get back up to speed). It’s kept me sane(er) amidst the chaos. I’m ready for the finish line, but I’m also grateful for the journey. Would I do this again, yes. Will I complain about it the whole time but still enjoy it, also yes. ONE July ’25 is in the books!

Stay tuned for the grand finale of “Yes-Throw July.” Will my yoyos still forgive me? Will I resist the urge to throw them all in a joyous frenzy come August 1st? Will the Featherweight Canary come back for its children? Only time will tell.