Okay I am looking to add another high performance metal to my collection and am trying to decide between the boss and the genisis. I like fast play and long sleep times and undersized so i guess the boss is more for my preferences. But then i have this forboding feeling that the Boss is missing that solidity feeling like the Dv888(which i have) and that the genisis isn’t. The genisis has some of the best sleep times out there but is slightly on the heavy side and I’m not sure if it is the best for faster play. which one? ???
I disagree. The genesis still moves pretty fast. As fast as I want/can make it go. Heavy doesn’t mean slow… weight distribution also affects it. A more center weighted yoyo is faster than rim weight. Genesis is steady, not slow, you can feel it’s weight, but it doesn’t drag behind. It may be your opinion of course. HAPPY NEW YEAR PPL!!!
Well it can go as fast as you want but it requires more energy to make it go as fast. Say you get a Pyro Light and compare the speed to a Buddha King 2, the Buddha King 2 can move as fast as a Pyro Light but it’ll take more energy to move it that fast.