generous things people have done for you in the yoyo community.

a special thanks to jwil425, who has sent me a yyf skyline expecting nothing in return! he even paid the shipping. what have other people done for you in the yoyo community?

So Far nothing :-[

Yomagic gave me my first yoyo. Still have it, a YYF Northstar. A TON of stuff from TheRyanFace and advice that really kept me from being an ignorant person who knows nothing about yoyos

I think just offering and answer to any question I’ve had to ask is enough. Somebody also helped promote my blog which I’m really thankful for. :slight_smile:

Just teaching me tricks and letting me try different yoyos ;D.Everyone is just so friendly,to bad not everyone in this world is that nice. :’(

Many members have been generous with their time in regard to my reviews. I am very thankful for the amazing support I have gotten for all the reviews I have done so far. Every time I write one up my inbox gets flooded with thank you’s and questions. Many times I gets messages just asking for more reviews and compliments which are nice to receive.

I have also had the pleasure of dealing with some great people on the BST. Everyone has been great and gone above and beyond!

Well, I got a free 3-1 Tom Kuhn No Jive from the guy that inspired me, great input, support, and great experiences!

I recieved a Badass Hatrick and Badass Ministar from a guy. IT was because he knew I loved general-yos. What a nice thing to do, and what a cool guy.

Well, jrodriguez has been more than generous. He sent me spacers for my SPYY Radian Mk II, and made me a real spiffy set of caps for my Journey and HM, as well as sent me a really nice Legacy.

YoMike gave me a ton of stuff over the years, and I have beautiful KC Jewel No-Jive from John Rollins.

Well any question I have gets answered. People take their own time to organize contests. And the list just goes on and on.

Julius of proyo fame hosts a free class 4 times a week that I try to go to at least once a week. I would say that Andre was pretty generous making this website free.

deeman103 sent out a yoyo before he got the $ for it. And everyone who helps coordinate contests and giveaways. Honestly the best community ever, I run track and x-country those guys are vicous!

I’ve received a No Jive 3-1 from yoyo408 (Dana) on another forum that I am eternally grateful for. I still have it and play it regulary. Lately it has me wanting more.

I’ve also received a DMII from King Felix for winning a short story contest, a raw, polished Battosai from a christmas exchange I took part in last christmas, and recently a ton of cool stuff from azznboyaz (Wilson).

I love the yoyo community. I give back where I can often as well.

When I first started a generous stranger sent me a care package while I was stationed in Iraq. This was the beginning of my yoyo career and I wish I knew who sent me that package. While the yoyo’s i received were nothing special (Duncan Reflex, Spintastics Tornado II, Fireball) they remain special to me for sentimental value alone.

Thats who gave me my Hatrick and MiniStar. What an awesome guy!

Got a couple of amazing deals on some General Yo’s, this forum helped me alot too when I was first starting out.

And I gave you the other MiniStar <3 .

I also received a yoyo from Dana, that I passed on to a little kid at NER through a rock-paper-scissors contest with all the little kids who didn’t have metals yet. I’ve also had some fantastic deals with Dana.

No good deed goes unnoticed. I bought a Goose Bay Campfire and sent it to his address without him knowing, as a thanks for what he has done for Jim and myself.

That contest was hilarious!

Big thanks to Zammy Ickler for helping me learn all those crazy hard tricks he does!

Nothing yet :frowning: