General Yoyo Thoughts

yeah, that’s the one. really broad and inverse-round-y profile, no undercuts in the cup.

I sent Jack one and he’s been shooting out long-string tricks on it:


I LOVE YOU BRO!! :green_heart:

Oh bro… :tired_face:
The pain runs deep!


Holy hell…Jack is a bad ***!!


So that was the proto. Awesome, I never miss a single post from Jack.


I finally got my first D bearing yoyo: a Freshly Dirty Moldy Bread. It is really amazing how different it is, and im really liking it. Im not one to do lots of string wraps (which this yoyo is not good at), and it seems to me that there are so many benefits to playing with a D bearing if you arent doing so. Faster RPMs seem to make a big difference when it comes to spin time, and binds are really tight even after long combos. Im outright impressed. The yoyo vibes a bit more than a C bearing yoyo, but since you can’t feel it on the string it doesnt matter to me (and kinda adds to the “Freshly Dirty” aesthetic. After playing with the yoyo for a few hours, I had to get the Rooster. I can see how the C bearing reigns supreme, but honestly there seems to be some pros and cons for casual play, and id like to see how more mid-school D bearing unresponsives from the past compare.


Casual play will always reign supreme


That’s exactly what im doing, except at a much lower level. That flow, good god.


Aren’t D bearings the same width as C?


D is almost the same size as A.


Except I’m pretty sure they’re as wide as C bearings

Like the rooster has a 4.6 mm gap.

Edit: turns out D bearings are actually a little wider.
Honestly not sure why they haven’t become more common.

Bearing Radius Width
C 1/2" 3/16"
C 12.7mm 4.7625mm
D 11mm 5mm
A 10mm 4mm

Sorry for the bad photos.

Just slightly larger and thicker than an A. Same thickness as a C.

Note that the D I have (came in the Rooster) has a smaller hole in the middle (lol don’t know what to call it).
Also the one I have is concave/center track.

It appears that I’m wrong. Thanks @MarkD for finding and posting the specs! I guess the D isn’t quite the same thickness as a C. Sorry about that guys!


I think a D bearing would be better for comp, based on a little bit of physics. But I’m also not a yoyo designer so idk


I had a couple of epiphanies tonight and now I feel like I’m at the verge of a breakthrough.

I keep watching all these amazing videos of people doing all these amazing things with their yos…and subconsciously I tell myself that all this stuff is WAY beyond me. I can’t do it.
So then I don’t even try. Because why bother?
But why can’t I? I absolutely CAN! Sure it’s hard stuff and will take a lot of practice…but what a ridiculous thing to think I can’t!

Also, I’ve been stuck on trick ladders. I’ve been doing the same tricks over and over and over in hopes that eventually I can work on the next trick on the ladder.
And I’m making almost no progress at this point.
I’m not experimenting. I’m not trying new things! I’m taking a lot of fun out of things! Practicing has become boring and mundane.
I’m SO ready to break free from trick ladders and branch out trying my own things! Learning elements from all these sick videos I keep watching and giving my boring day in and day out practice routines a rest!
If I want to do all these super cool looking whips and slacks and gravity warping time defying elements…well…I need to let myself work on them! I’m not going to get anywhere with them if I’m not willing to experiment and try new things out!

These have been some great realizations! I’m feeling re-energized and excited once again! I even learned a cool new slack tonight thanks to a suggestion from MarkD! And while I was working on it, I thought up a cool combo to do with it…then I kept adding to the combo, and I refused to quit until I pulled it off!
And damn it felt good! To allow myself to believe I could do it! To work on new things! To just have some fun and let loose!

I know I post too long of comments sometimes. But man…I’m feeling like I’m on the verge of some nice progress right now!


When you start to experiment and mix tricks/elements, or even make your own it gets more fun!


We all hit a wall from time to time! Learn new tricks that you CAN do and you’ll soon be doing tricks you thought you couldn’t do.


I’ve said this before, but some of the most fun I’ve had is watching a yo-yo video, and winding up with something completely different, usually based on one or two ideas demonstrated.

Some people are much better than me at learning a trick from start to finish, often I don’t have the patience, but I have fun learning something new.

I think this is really the result of not wanting to put in the time, and if something looks too hard, I skip it. Definitely not a life lesson, but this is just yo-yoing. :slight_smile:


While learning the whole trick eventually is probably a good idea, as long as your getting a new concept you can use it’s not a waste. Finishing it just adds to that.

And I’ve found a lot of trick tutorials just aren’t effective and are more confusing than anything. The angles they give you combined with a poor description of what you’re doing are frustrating to say the least.

Mr Matio doesn’t even say anything but his angles and directions through hand movements do more for me than any of the yotricks videos. Any of their videos with more complicated string segments are hard to follow sometimes, particularly one of them really is not good at describing what he’s doing.


Awesome! I actually have another recommendation for a slack trick but I can’t find the tutorial I learned it from. Maybe I’ll try to film it myself.


Difference between a “combo” and a “trick”? Are they the same?

So…what’s the difference between the 2? I’ve been working on a couple of things I consider ‘combos’ today…but really, can I consider them tricks?
lol sounds petty! Trivial. I’m just curious though.
They both use elements and parts of different tricks, and even incorporate some entire previously ‘known’ tricks into them…so I’ve been considering them as combos.

I always thought it’d be super cool to start coming up with my own “tricks” though. Can I consider these their own trick?

lol I’m going to stop typing now. The more I go, the more petty I’m feeling for even wondering >.<’. Maybe some of you have wondered this yourselves?