General Yo Fan Club Thread!!

oh I’ll probaly just get it anod a solid colors (half purple half blue) by England probably blasted. love the raw but id rather have it blasted

Ill blast it, teehee.

Oh and everybody, BMM Release tomorrow

k :slight_smile: I was planning on that anyways.


You know, I honestly don’t like this kind of thread.

Because here, we all brag about General-Yos being the best. I agree with that. Gen-Yo makes some of the best yoyos around. But here we are, with huge collections. Having several of the same yoyo and all. I’ve had multiple people try to get one of my Gen-Yos, that they already have the exact model and color as I do.

You guys gotta realize, the more yoyos you have, the less other people do.

Sure, feel free to have a collection of 5 majestys, but that means 4 people will never have the joy of owning such an incredible yoyo.

I’ve been trying to get my hands on a Hatrick. Then I see a collection of 5 of them, mint, never even played. Which I think is absolutely horrible. These yoyos are meant to be played. Not set on a shelf and admired, while others want to be able to have one. It’s not a money issue for this (Within reason, of course, I’m not gonna spend $140 on one), it’s that everyone has death grips on their Hatricks, and it’s hard to pry them out of people’s hands, even when they have several.

Maybe I’m just complaining because it’s so dang hard to get my hands on General-Yo, because others are stockpiling them for an apocalypse. But then again, I have the joy of owning a Majesty, while so many others do not. And maybe I’m just complaining because I don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on yoyos, while others do.

But meh, just wanted to get my thoughts out. I just really don’t understand the point of having several of the same model of a sought after yoyo.

I wouldn’t get the same color of the same yoyo but I would definitely get one of each color of everyone if I could. It’s not hard to get General Yos but if you’re looking for a older run its always going to be difficult. I like to collect. I’m have some that I’ve never thrown. I know people think that’s crazy but I bought them. If I want to drag it behing my truck or throw it down the street I can. You should actually be greatful for the people that collect because eventually you will see a Hatrick on the bst that is brand new and you will have the opportunity to buy it.

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Please see the bolded text. The reality is that “These yoyos are meant to be purchased”. If all of them were meant to be played there would be little need for more than one or two colors. Some folks collect things. Yoyos are one of those collectible things for some people. Rarer color ways and engravings drive the collector more than the player in many instances.

I like collecting and appreciate the rarer items. :slight_smile:

Word, word, word…

Studio42 eat your heart out at the length of this response.

Before I get into my response, I’d like to state I’m not trying to argue or a debate, I’m just discussing. I come off extremely abrasive in this response, but it’s nothing against you. I’m just standing my ground and hopefully giving you some insight into my world? I know you might not like it, and I might be kind of rude, but take it lightly… I’m just some random idiot ya dig? I also give out some of my BST secrets…so understand I have nothing against you personally, just trying to help a little bit… in a way… lulz :slight_smile:

Where else should we discuss our favorite yoyo’s? We’re trying to contain our enthusiasm into a thread, which prevents a lot of it from boiling over elsewhere. Does it boil over? Occasionally. But I think this is a nice place to contain most of it.

But, I guess we should just start discussing in private. Sigh,

I can’t speak on people trying to get your Genyo’s. I haven’t really had many ask me for mine, infact I’ve had people ask for help in getting one, which I have no problem keeping an eye out in exchange they keep an eye out for me. It’s simple really. Learn to strategize with your peers instead of telling them “No, you can’t have my yoyo go away”… maybe say “If I decide to get rid of it, I’ll let you be the first to know… but hey, maybe you can let me know if you see a Torrent 2?”… You wouldn’t believe how much stuff like this helps.

Look at my BST. I don’t even state Genyo’s I’m looking for in it. Why? Because it’s a fool’s method of looking for yoyo’s. Someone is going to see your thread and message you hoping to scalp you for it. People who see you’re looking for a yoyo, and they own it, but aren’t in the game to get rid of it… they aren’t going to help you out. They are going to try to crack your head over it. So is it even worth putting “LF: Hatrick” on your BST? Are you really just going to sit there and hope it falls in your lap? I certainly don’t. I make a legitimate effort. Granted, putting “LF: Hatrick” Might help you find one, it’s not very effective for me, and I never doubt for a second I’ll get what I want… Matter of fact, I know I’ll get what I want.

Think about in sports; Does one team let another team know it’s strategy? Does one man cover the whole field? You may say it’s too much work collaborating with peers to get stuff. I say it’s too much work to do it alone.

It’s always going to boil down to one thing though; How bad do you really want it?

I got 4 Majesty’s…

1 OG 6061 Purple Mountain. It’s light, I bought it to feel the difference and cuz it’s amazing.
1 6061 Blue Mountain. I bought it to kee up with the ‘Mountains’ incase it turns into a regular thing.
^^ 2 for collecting. They still get played, but cautiously.
1 7075. OG Majesty, not mint, keeping it.
1 6061 BBLS. Beating it.
^^ 2 for playing. Play them a lot, and I only expect them to get beat.
None are going anywhere.

All have a good purpose. Honestly, I could be selfish and possess a second 7075 just to keep it mint and say I have a mint one and not worry if my 7075 gets thrashed. But I don’t. I could buy the second ano sample and a two tone, but I won’t.

I got a Hatrick today in the mail, not too difficult to track down. It will be played and admired at the same time. It’s actually my first Bad@$$. I usually skip Bad@$$ so other people can thrash them, cuz I wouldn’t have the heart to normally do so. But beggers can’t be choosers, which brings me to my next point…

You should consider being willing to spend more money if you want something. Granted, I got the Hatrick (Bad@$$, 1 tiny pinprick) for $100. I was patient, struck quick (be alert), and I was willing to overpay. Do you think I got my Genyo’s cuz I simply made a BST asking for them, or they simply fell in my lap? No, I waited and waited, methodically. When one came up, I pulled the trigger faster than Clint Eastwood in a Western. Another want of mine comes up, BANG. I bust till I’m depleted. Then I build the reserves back up. Yes, I got bills like everyone else, but I strategize and have a real game plan. I know what I want and I’m ready to pounce. I don’t peruse the BST looking for random crap that might appeal to me. Right now, I only log onto the BST and search “KLR”. That’s it, and I have no doubt I will find a nice one sooner than later.

When a 5v1 came up on the BST, I pounced on it fierce. And I paid a nice penny. So considering how much time and effort I spent not only waiting/hunting for the 5, but also to earn the money to buy the 5*… yeah I’ll let it sit on a shelf as long as I please. I do indeed play it too, but no, I’m not going to play it as much as a designated beater. It’s like a fine wine, you have a glass every once and a while and bask in it’s glory. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

Also, I’d like to note, the Hatrick I got sat on the BST at $110 for a day or two before I got it for $100. I not only LET someone have the opportunity, I got it for cheaper than I should have. I would have easily paid the $140 you wouldn’t pay. And that’s why I have what I have. When you message a guy, and they tell you no, it’s probably because someone else offered more than you… probably because they want it more.

Again, how bad do you truly want it?

I fail, time and time again, to see why it’s so hard to get a Genyo. The newer releases; Easy as pie to get. They sit in stores for days, weeks even. People are too brainwashed into only purchasing from YYE that they don’t realize the other dozen stores that get new releases. Don’t get me wrong, YYE is my favorite shop, and given the choice I’ll buy from here. But if YYE is out of stock, don’t expect me to sit here and start feeling bad for myself.

Start looking at shops, start searching the BST, get on FB, do what you gotta do. I’m tired of people thinking yoyo’s should be handed to them, whether it be when they ask for one, or for the price. Sorry, but I HUNTED for these 10 General-Yo’s I own, I also worked my butt off getting the money to get them… so if I have a little pride in my small collection… then I apologize for my hubris -_-

As for the older models. If you have patience you will get it. In the time it takes you to find the one you want, you could have saved the cash to get it (probably). I also don’t have the money to spend on all the yoyo’s I’d like, but I know which yoyo’s I want, and I have money ready to be dispensed if one popped up.

Say you were me… and you wanted an OG Torrent.
You would first think to yourself… How can I get an OG Torrent?

Here’s what you would do;

  1. Wait patiently in positive spirits.
  2. Slowly set aside money for the yoyo.
  3. Strike fierce with an offer as soon as you see it.

I am ready and waiting to get an OG Torrent. Who else is? I got a couple hundreds bucks with OG Torrent’s name on it, just sitting there. Do you? When the opportunity comes up, whose going to be ready? I am. I hope you guys are too, cuz if I get it and you don’t… well, then you will know who wanted it more :wink:

Now, as for your argument of them being played. I agree, most of them should be played. But if it wasn’t for the people who set an extra aside, we wouldn’t have any to play with.

We have people like you, and people like me. You’ll get the yoyo and play it into the dirt and throw it in the gutter. I’ll get the yoyo and take care of it, appreciate it, and understand it’s rarity. I have designated yoyo’s I don’t care if they get beat, but I’m not going to play full force on a 5*v1 like I would on a Majesty. If everyone played their throws into the dirt, NOBODY would be able to play one in the future.

It’s the same attitude for Car Collectors. If everyone drove their Shelby Cobra’s into the ground nobody in this day and age would get to own one.

So in a way, you should kind of thank the collectors for temporarily keeping them in playable condition, because collectors may not own 5 forever. So have/get your $140 ready.


I agree with all you said except. :slight_smile:

I have a looking for post. If you read it you may laugh. I even state it’s a long shot. Haha.
I expect to over pay. I’m cool with it. I’m not expecting anyone to actually reply to it but I need to put the word out what I’m looking for. Like you said people on here help out a lot so if they see my post and know somebody they might contact me. I always keep an eye out for what I’m looking for and when it shows up on the bst I pull the trigger ASAP. Just need some help sometimes.

We all could use some extra help in the great hunt :slight_smile:

Didn’t think about it like that… But at the same time, I feel that could incite someone into buying it just cuz they know you want it. I prefer to lurk in the shadows and snatch before anyone knows it was there or that I wanted it. I see both methods working, I just go with what works for me

PM me if you’re looking for any certain models and I’ll keep my eyes peeled. I’m only looking for a OG Torrent (not even looking, going to let it fall in my lap cuz I know it will sooner or later, I also don’t care to get my hopes up haha) and a KLR. Not in any hunt, got everything I want, so I can always shoot you a PM if a Rad Genyo pops up

I would also like to state; that the Hunt is very enjoyable to me. It feels 1000x better getting something you want after you pull your hair out looking for it… Call me crazy I guess…

I’m also the type who enjoys waiting for packages in the mail, and sometimes I’ll miss the anticipation/excitement of waiting after my package arrives

NewbiesUnited, you seem to have forgotten about this thing called money, and that you can buy what you want and do with your purchase as you wish, as long as you can truly afford it.

I agree with SKyHigh too, I hat enot having a package in the mail, and can’t remember the last time I didn’t. I will often buy something, then wait to buy the next thing until the first item is one day away, so I have 2 for a day, then the next to hold me over, and repeat until im broke.

Hey, thanks for the reply! I appreciate you not flaming me. I never meant to start a huge debate, just wanted to get my thoughts out.

I’m not going to quote that impressive reply, so I’ll just use “quotes” to quote what you said. :slight_smile:

I look around for Hatricks in the BST. I don’t expect one to fall into my lap. However, I put the label there in case anybody has a Hatrick that they’re willing to sell, but are too lazy to make/bump a BST.
You have a good point, though. Honestly, once pointed out, I have no counterargument for that. Because now that I think about it, if someone has LF: Majesty, I’m going to get the most I can from it, from them.

Good point, because I’m not willing to pay the $140. I’ve seen Hatricks on the BST for $30, 50, 70. However, I didn’t jump the gun fast enough, and that’s totally my fault. That was several months ago, and I haven’t seen any pop up on the BST since then. Since I know I can get one for $50, I’m patient enough that I won’t blow $140 on one to have it now.

I don’t play yoyos into the dirt and throw them into the gutter. I try my hardest to not ding my yoyos. When I’m working with a rarer yoyo, I use a shorter string, I do more conservative tricks, and I don’t go crazy. If I make a mistake, and the yoyo dings to the ground, so be it. I hate, hate, hate when I ding my yoyos, but I’m not one to start freaking out about a ding. (Just to be clear, I’m NOT saying you guys do that, but there are people that do.)

…It would have been nice to read my original post thoroughly before saying that. Please read:

I do realize that there is this thing called money. I know that people can buy whatever they want with money. Drugs, people, control, yoyos, you can get whatever you want if you can afford it. In all honesty, this whole discussion leads to one topic, that is, money.

But the problem is, spending and spending until you’re broke is generally not a good idea.

So thanks for the replies everyone. I can understand now why people would collect a yoyo rather than play it. It seemed so strange a concept, but I get it now.


I agree about waiting for a throw. you’re so excited for you’re new throw and when you get it you love it, but waiting for it was half the fun!

Anyway I got this today

Newbies United;

I want to apologize for assuming you play your yoyo’s “into the dirt”. I know I was kind of a jerk in my response anyway, so My bad man… But thank you for keeping it civil. And I can see your point of not wanting to spend more when you’ve seen them sell for much less. I see your point… again, you’ll get one sooner or later, just keep your spirits up :smiley:

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No problem man, it’s all good :slight_smile: I see your point as well. I’ll keep searching around for a Hatrick, but I may not need to, because I just found out that Landon Balk retaps yoyos. I’ll probably get my Hatrick retapped, so I can finally use it again, without having to spend $100+ on a new one.

Just wanted to show everybody here my Gen-Yo collection, I know it’s large but there’s no need to be jealous. If anything I should be the one jealous. :wink: Lol, but all in all hopefully one day I’ll own a Gen-Yo and hopefully one day soon. The three that really stand out for me are the Majesty, KLR and the Model 10! I really want a Model 10 :wink:

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Got a 5 star today! Bought a Lime Stew majesty on sunday and it should be here tomorrow.

New 5 star

The Lime and Limey Stew are probably my favorite colorways ever. Anybody want a pre pro for a limey or lime Majesty ? :wink: