Hey, everyone. So, my collections mostly consists of CLYW, One Drop, and choice picks from the YYF and YYJ product lines.
I’m thinking that I’d like to branch out this summer and try something from General Yo and Anti-Yo. Would you guys (and ladies) have any recommendations? What do you guys personally like?
To give you an idea of my tastes:
I’m partial to 55mm-ish diameters, but I do enjoy a under-mid size here and there (very rarely, actually). I love Chiefs, but I could throw a Dark Magic 2/Trinity all day and night. I have a despicable, dirty love for the Code 1. I also moon-lit dinners and long walks on the bea-- oh…
Also, I’d like something that would be great for 1A but is also 5A-stable.
Thanks in advance! ;D