G5 Yoyo review!!! Finished!

lol… I think every one should check this out:

sex⋅y [sek-see]
–adjective, sex⋅i⋅er, sex⋅i⋅est.

  1. concerned predominantly or excessively with sex; risqué: a sexy novel.
  2. sexually interesting or exciting; radiating sexuality: the sexiest professor on campus.
    3. excitingly appealing; glamorous: a sexy new car.
    Idiots jk

wow. that link was a touching waste of time. :‘( :’( :cry:
and RABBADXS, here’s to you :o :o 8) 8)

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Dude, you’re just begging to be flamed making a comment like this. Ed Haponik (the guy who wrote this) is very well known and respected in the yo-yoing community, and with good reason. This “touching waste of time” is actually a great collection of wisdom and advice amassed from years of throwing experience and general involvement in the community. This is something that another person put alot of time and effort into compiling and refining for the benefit of the community. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with or abide by everything in there. I personally don’t agree with the “sexy” rule, because I like to use it out of context, mainly for humor, but that’s no reason to dismiss the work as a whole. In fact, writing it off like that is shows blatant disrespect for Ed and a great deal of ignorance on your part.

Rule # 31: Respect you elders
Know your history. Know your main players. Know when to keep your mouth shut.

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