Free video editing program?

I’m going to attempt filming a few yoyo videos, but I’m lacking the software. Does anyone have any good recommendations?

Windows Movie Makes/Wax

I’m just about to download video spin, I let you know if it works or is any good.

Id use WMM but last time i tried to load an Mp4 file on WMM i got an error.

I really dont want to be bothered with converting videos -_- Just a waste of time.

Sony Vegas Platinum 10 HD i have but have no idea how to use it its So hard ;D
Anyway WMM 2011 is awesome and accepts 321 (MPC) Video Format :wink:

Well, video spin works, except when I hit “mak video” half my shots go blank. I had a similar problem with WMM… Maybe it’s just me…