Forum eXperts of

I tried Clicking on this and it wont work? what happened?

BTW i hope Samad wins. It’ll be a miracle if i win. Maybe next month

Never know, In my basketball tourny we were last seed (ranked) and we got 1st and a trophy!!

He’s updating it.

“It will not necessarily be the person with the “most” posts - remember quality over quantity here.”

Thank you for putting that in Andre.

when I click on the forum eXperts section under the forum bar it says that the page can not be found. anyone know what the deal is?

As I said before, he is updating it to include the new eXperts.

What do you mean, eXperts? I thought there is only one! You know something!

Actually, I just know how to read.  :wink:

Oh, whoops. I’ll try this reading thing sometime  :wink:

It may help, just a little!

Yeah…man, I hope he says it soon. I really want to know!

Ah, me too.  All i think about in school is this. Lol.


SAMAD!!! ;D ;D ;D Please…

Are You going to Announce it this Thursday?

No Samad. While I would gladly have this honor - Please, Robert Really deserves this (DocRobot) Such an amazing guy, and has each and every quality post, is very knowledgeable, generous, intelligent, and just an awesome guy. I think he deserves both February and March, because he really should be our moderator. He would do a fantastic job, and André with the help of DocRobot could continue to make YYE my favorite website.

DocRobot will be my choice for years to come.
Now I should do my homework, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah! We nearly ready to announce for January and February!
We will try and announce tonight!

Ha! André has finally made a mistake! February and March…right? ;D Sorry André :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope it is either…

or Samad.

SAMAD… Or DRYOYO for being so generous. Andre, can you nominate some people and have us vote?

Actually… I would like to nominate Kim-Lan as well. Her posts are good quality (except when she’s telling people she’s a girl. ;D) Like this:,807.0.html must have take some time.

Along with DocRobot