New Forum Expert - Welcome GregP!

A new forum EXPERT is named!

Congrats to our newest Expert GregP!

If you haven’t heard what it is you can see more here:

We want to support those that take that extra effort to help others, who take the time to write legible posts, and take the time to research information and properly present it in their forum posts.  These are the kind of people that help you with a trick instead of telling you to search for it yourself.  These are the kind of people that post a video as an example or give encouragement and advice.  You get the idea.

These selected members are named an “expert” on the site and will be given a $50 Gift Certificate to use at YoYoExpert in thanks for all their hard work.

Congrats to GregP!


Sweet congrats GregP. :slight_smile:

Awesome Greg

congrats gregp that is awesome i know that the info that i have seen in your posts are very helpful to me so thanks and congrats.

Nice one Greg!

Nice job, Mr. Forum eXpert! You rock!


Congrats Brah

It’s about time. You totally deserve it man, great job!

Oh wonderful! ;D Congrats Greg

Congrats you really do deserve it.

GregP is the man!

Saw this coming MILLLLEESSS away. :smiley:

Congrats GregP!

(and go Canada!)

1 Like

Congrats you deserved it :slight_smile:

Wow! Awesome! Congrats!

Great choice.
Congrats, GregP!!!

Well deserved. Congrats Greg!

Simply the fulfillment of the inevitable. Congratulations GregP, your contributions here have raised the bar of dialogue. Excellent choice as our next Forum Expert.

Congratulations :smiley:

Way to go, Greg. You deserve it.