FORUM CONTEST! Ed Haponik’s Fixed Axle Challenge!

Very good choice.

It may be by memory fading, but I sure do remember being able to do easy tricks with my Butterfly back in the 60’s. When I picked up the new one I couldn’t believe how light it was and how short the sleep time was. If I can get 5 seconds of sleep out of it then that was a good throw. This is going to be really challenging.

We’re planning to make a new thread for each challenge. Still working out the specifics, but each challenge will be posted separately and we will keep track of the results in this main thread.

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C-bearing wooden sleeve in my YYO Nifty will help me hit that Spirit Bomb… but not the stalls and regens of this challenge!

I have an EH, No-Jive, Currier, and ProFly to choose from… I’m good!

Actually its a wrong statement not all people have an online store in their country or have a retail store that sells yoyos that’s what happened to me I was thinking of ordering an John Higby Profly but till it will come to me in my country the first phase of contest will be over that why I’m asking other options to use in this fixie comp.

Cracker Barrel sells Duncan Ignite’s for $5 and it’s a pretty awesome fixie. It has a wooden transaxle and more of a conventional yoyo shape, but hard to beat for $5 especially if you’re looking for one!

Duncan Ignite has a bearing in it! Unless they started making them without one (i don’t know) but I know all the ones I’ve ever seen have bearings.

Shows it here with a wooden axle.  Idk

I do not know about the word “transaxle” But the ignite is listed with the same axle as the Proyo and Profly.

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Its not a wooden axle. Its a wooden sleeve. They can come with wooden sleeves or be converted to complete bearing with the duncan kit. None the less…I dont think it can’t be used for the contest because even with the wooden sleeve, it’s not a “fixed axle”.

No Jives also feature a wooden sleeve. As well as several TMBR throws. The sleeve is fixed into place once the throw is screwed together. For clarification purposes.

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So it CAN be used for the contest? :wink: double negatives are fun.

SkinnyBNY speaks the truth!

I’ll refer to the contest sponsors to make that call, but most throws with a wooden sleeve are fixed (based on my understanding).

Any yo-yo with a wooden sleeve over the axle, like the No Jive or Pro Yo, is perfectly fine for the contest. The wooden sleeve does not move, it is fixed in place.

Any yo-yo with a transaxle designed to spin around the bearing, Yomega Fireball for example, would not be allowed as a fixed axle.



It’s unbelievable to me that there is still confusion regarding what is/isn’t a fixed axle. If the yo-yo tightens to the point that the sleeve is held in place by the two halves (ProYo, No Jive, TMBR, Ignite, etc) then the axle is FIXED since it doesn’t spin freely. Transaxle yo-yo’s are designed to tighten WITHOUT holding the sleeve in place (Fireball, ProFire, bearing yo-yo’s, etc), and would not be eligible in this contest.
I’ve never heard of a yo-yo with a wooden sleeve that was anything but fixed axle.

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Looks like I caused some confusion with my previous post, sorry. I did in fact mean wooden sleeve is on the Ignite, still making it fixed, wasn’t sure what the exact term was. :slight_smile:

The Ignite has always had a wooden sleeve to my knowledge. The bumblebee is the same yoyo but comes with a bearing instead of a wooden sleeve.

The Duncan LimeLight has a fixed wood sleeve axle :wink: .

Can we modify a yoyo to be fixed? Like, can I take a DMII or whatever and put in a locked bearing or a piece of wooden dowel?

You can, but it may be more of a hindrance than help.

So let me get this straight, I can’t use a Draupnir… but is a Sleipnir a fixed axle? How about if I put a reaaaaaally thick lubed bearing in it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, I never thought there’d be so much debate about which yoyo you can or can’t use. I thought fixed-axles were pretty self explanatory…

I’m hoping to get involved in this. Me and my trusty Profly have been getting our practice on. That being said, I really suck at fixed axle stuff, so I’d be out after like the first round. Still, if I can find the time then I’ll definately give it a shot. :slight_smile:

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