Fixed axle February, a reminder

What are your favorite fixed axle throws?

Duncan Butterfly, TMBR Baldwin, and the butterfly-style wooden fixed-axle contributed by yoyoexpertman54 for the FAF contest. That thing is pretty great.

Thanks guys! Really though, I’m just a pretty average guy doing pretty normal things who likes to see what he can with a little round spinny thing every once in a while :slight_smile: And Greg, your skills are pretty boss too :slight_smile:

The holy grail does not exist. Everything has it’s own unique charms, unique balance of response versus versatility, so play with whatever you’ve got and enjoy it.

One thing I can tell you though - I won’t be picking up a SPYY/TMBR eh (no disrespect to Ed’s crazy skills and fixed journey). Hype and exclusivity kill me. I just want to throw, and I’ll throw anything as long as it plays reasonably ok. I’m just waiting for someone to make yoyos that are reasonably decent and always available. A working man’s yoyo. Something I can put in my basket when I feel like ordering, something that is reasonably easy to replace if I trash it walking the dog. When that day comes, I’ll try some more yoyos, until then, I’m pretty happy with the small collection I’ve got.

I’ve been disappointed in far too many yoyos in the past to believe the hype.

Glad to see this back near the top again. Remember, it’s not too early to plan for next Feb, by playing fixed axle every day. I’ll put this thread back to the top again this weekend, when I finally take pics of my wood yoyo collection. My favorite…all of them.

we’re not making them to generate hype or to make them exclusive. we made a small # last time because we assumed few people would be interested. to me it’s just a simple yo-yo that i take everywhere and i’m really honored to have been involved with the guys who made it.

I’ve been wanting to get into fixed play for a while now. I’ve experimented with some responsive bearing yoyos and even modded and old one so its axle was fixed, but the response is always to snappy or not snappy enough for comfortable stalls and whatnot. What would you guys recommend as a good fixed axle to start off with in preparation for next February?


I think the interest was proved. I still want one.

Also, I don’t think I’ll get one either, but not because I don’t want it.

I can do jade whip with a FA YoYo, on rare occasions do I actually land it.

I was surprised because the hook gives slack directly to the yoyo, which would normally make it return. There are some pinch-slack tricks like jade whip and yuuki slack that can be done without giving slack directly to the yoyo.

Anything by tmbr will serve you well.

We’re hoping to have another video contest next year. With more prizes and sponsors and participants than this past February. I’m going to start working on it in the fall.

Next year I will be for sure entering :wink:

Well, I just decided to de-bearing my old velocity and throw in a cotton string just for fun. I managed to land a good handful of jade whips, plenty of yuuki slacks, some throwhand grinds, and a (pretty sloppy) hidemasa hook. Needless to say, I’m feeling pretty good about myself right now.

If you don’t, I’ll call you a sissy right your Facebook page!